In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

sábado, 27 de novembro de 2010

They pass the years and the tactics of the draft doesn't change. SISTEC continues to maintain monopoly of shares of the State

Revelations obtained by F8 in Luanda give bill that Sistec, an Angolan company essentially linked to the branches of the computer science and of the telecommunications; it will be involved in that can be one of the largest frauds financial of business forum known in Angola in the last 22 years.

The facts to that underlying, revealed by an identified source that asked for the anonymity, they appear for a systematic escape to the tax collection, fraudulent obtaining of contracts of supplies and sale done by superior price to the normal. They confirm her such facts, also, they can be seen as a conspiracy against the Angolan people, if he has in bill that the fiscal taxation is the most effective way of social solidarity, instituted by the regime of this Country, where 61 percent of the population lives in state of virtual poverty. The source of F8 affirms that you swindle are them to real source of incomes of SISTEC that, for instance, sale done by superior price to the normal frequently, in the order of 100 percent, the material supplies and equipments to the Angolan Armed forces, FAA.

In 1994, when SISTEC he made money three million of dollars in businesses with FAA, Angolan Armed forces, a supply of radios PRC bought to TransWorld Communications (TWC), for the value of two million dollars, it was collected by the double of her value, it indicated the source. He said that it is this variant of the crooked deal that allows "the emergence of big rich inside of the company" and that it is for this middle that linked individuals to institutions of the State become shareholders of the company. Attributing fraudulent contracts to SISTEC and allowing the values of the supplies to be sale done by superior price to the normal, linked individuals to the State start to have profit sharing of the company. These, the profits, are abundant, according to the source that revealed that in the end of 1994 a group of six titular of seven shares obtained individual incomes gives 500 thousand American dollars.

The informant of F8 affirms that, in 1993, when the company crossed a financial crisis and he didn't have money to pay the customs rights, Mr. Rui Santos, reduced for the half the value of some import invoices. In that way he would declare to the Customs an inferior value to the that should pay in rates and tax’s.

The source points just so an originating from supply the Technique (Far East) Ltd, a firm of Hong-Kong that is property of a Portuguese known by Finance.

The supplier sent two invoices types, being an "invoice" (in) with the true price of the supply, and other "Customes" (C.U.) with a price 40 inferior percent and fictitious alleged.

When declaring to the Customs, Sistec presents the invoice (C.U.), of the which supposedly still deduces 50 percent, and, when fastening the price he makes it with base in the value of the invoice "in" multiplied by 1,7, that it is the value of the rates, taxes and of the freight.

Of that it sorts things out, it esteemed the source, the Customs, Insurance Company, Carriers and the Consumers are deceived.

* In FOLHA 8, September 26, 1997


Luanda. Anonym said...
Dear Mr. Reginaldo, pay attention to the following and see what can do to denounce in her blog or in another sphere any: the atmosphere in the newspapers recently bought by hand of the State is of cutting to the knife. The censorship makes home. Once the ready newspaper has to be submitted to the shareholders that, for her time, they take the material to a laboratory for us to decide on what owes or it should not be published, and as it should also be.


Critics to the Boss of State are forbidden, even cartoons have been censured. See that a certain newspaper, in the case The Capital, had to lock the edition because of a layer that denounced the murder of an Angolan one perpetrated by Chinese. They had to do, for there of the dead-line, another layer. The atmosphere, in the newsroom, is critical, with the unhappy journalists to threaten, only see, to abandon the newspaper in block. Pay attention: they want to leave in block. And it is what will happen if those attacks to the freedom of press and of expression they subsist.

Image: "of which planet they are?”

sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

Weekly paper FOLHA 8 of Angola

An authentic shame and axed to the democratic conquests. The "Freedom died from "death killed" in the continuation of the May 27, 1977. A civil war was proceeded that MPLA insists on pushing to responsibilities exclusively for UNITA, and today, in the middle of a national reconciliation in stocking-paints, the "executive passed the law of the Safety of the State and of Political Parties returning to smile, 35 years later, to the worst system than the Angolan ones knew: THE ONLY PARTY. From now on nobody can speak. And if it goes on the President, then it will be a to be seen prepare you; therefore the chain is the pointed road.

quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010

Mrs. Luizete Araújo. Secretary for the Political and Electoral Subjects of POC´S of Angola

But, we repeated, it would not be good that those laws, those procedures of the government actual, pushed the Angolan ones for the secrecy, when we published to the four winds, are "totally independent, totally free and with that we have the open roads for the construction of a stable and same Angola for all."

Angola today is characterized by the exclusion politics, discrimination, corruption, foreign expression and contempt of the Angolan ones that should constitute the driving force of the Reconstruction… deceiving programs of urban to qualify again that they only have as objective to postpone the citizens' anger… if of facto it was worthwhile even this independence… those that steal million never give the face.

Mr. Marcolino Moco of MPLA of Angola

Today, elapsed 35 years after the Independence, informed of you marked progresses in several domains, propitiated, especially, for 8 years of peace effective, it worries me that a group minority, same using a language that seems to have in bill the lessons of this passed recent, try to impose the institution of practices again no consensual, particularly in the plan of the exercise to can political, in the structuring of the mechanisms of wealth distribution and in the forms of moralization of the society, after so many years of war.

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010

Mr. José Eduardo dos Santos. MPLA of Angola

Thirty five years of freedom constitute a relief mark for all the ones that insisted always in the fight for the conquest and defence of the independence, of the national unit, of the peace, of the social justice, of the democracy, of the humanism, of the human person's dignity, of the transparency, of the good government, of the equality of rights and of opportunities.

domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010

Mr. David Mendes. PP. Political Party Popular of Angola

In the Letter open to the governor the one that had access, PP denounces her collects of million of Kwanzas (currency actual in Angola) effectuate for the authorities near the populations, with promises of concession of earth portions, without the delivery of the same ones proceeded to the moment. "Until today, the government is not capable to say where it is the money defrauded the citizens, nor it is capable to indicate where they are the lotted" lands reads in the letter.

Mr. Isaías Samakuva. UNITA of Angola

The actual President (Mr. José Eduardo dos Santos) it exercises the political power there is more than 30 years, without submitting to the election and to the I control of the sovereign people of Angola. It established an authoritarian regime under an autocratic Constitution that it offends the democracy and it doesn't serve the legitimate aspirations of freedom of the Angolan people.

sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

A barrel of petroleum for the widow Maria do Rosário

Luanda. Radio Ecclésia. Campaign thrown by journalist Jorge Eurico, the Good Samaritan. If until December not to pay the income, Maria do Rosário, is going to the street with their five children because she doesn't have money to pay. Of forty five years of age, she is widow, it blinds there are four years and bearer of AIDS. The insensibility of the prince’s corrupt upstarts that they govern is us terrifying. The death of their subjects cheers them immense because she is her permanent party.
Our petroleum goes far, it crosses our galloping poverty. The more petroleum more hunger, more death, more wealth and corruption to waste.
Of the two million dollars that gave to Benfica of Portugal anything it didn't remain?!

quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Mr. Reginaldo Silva boycotted in TPA (Public Television of Angola)

Lisbon – Mr. Reginaldo Silva, emblematic Angolan journalist recognized by her exemption and frontal manner was white of the censorship of TPA for criticizing procedures of the regime of MPLA, in the program "Week in Sunday Actuality" November 14, 2010. The same as he weekly speaks to the program in reference starred in this edition with a jurist of MPLA, Mr. Norberto Garcia.


For criticizing wrong attitudes of MPLA
Along the program the journalist talked about flaws of the regime of MPLA in relation to the recent process of to be decorated to the nationalists having noticed that any illustration of the opposition with prominence to the historical parties (FNLA and UNITA), they received medals. Mr. Reginaldo Silva observed a visible marginalization in the decorations having mentioned that such attitude anything help in the reconciliation process among the Angolan ones. According to him this would be a great opportunity for MPLA to still win more points close to the international community.

In elapsing of her analysis, the technicians of TPA simulated technical flaw resulting in the cut of the program. (They put excessive publicities). When the program was again to the air, they noticed that the same was still "hot" and they opted to remove the program of the air.

The program "Week in Actuality" passes on Sundays and usually bill with the two permanent guests' presence that they are Mr. Reginaldo Silva and Mr. Ismael Mateus that this week was absent. In the program it is done summarizes him of the week and the presenter requests to the two guests her reading as for the weekly events. There is no information to confirm the "Black out" was resulted of some phone call of the responsible of the regime or he left the journalists' initiative with fears of they suffer reprisals of MPLA.

Recently three leaders of political parties, Mr. Alexandre Sebastião (PADDA), Mr. Sidiangani Mbimbi (PDP-ANA), Mr. Manuel Fernandes (POC) they denounced that TPA did with them a game interview. They were interviewed to speak of the speech on the state of the nation of Angola president Mr. José Eduardo of Santos. The declarations of the same ones won't have been of the pleasure of TPA that decided not to pass the respective interviews in television.

domingo, 14 de novembro de 2010

Mr. David Mendes arrested

Sunday, 14 November 2010 00:26
Luanda - at least ten activists of the popular PP-party were arrested Saturday in the morning for agents of the national police when they proceeded the distribution of you eat, containing the manifesto on one side and for other, a reproduced of a Letter Open correspondent to the governor of the province of Luanda.

* Alexandre Neto, source: VOA CLUB-K.NET

Regime of MPLA arrests opponents

The group that was immediately led to 36th police station in the municipal district of Kilamba Kiaxi, it included lawyer David Mendes that is president of the party.

After hours of detention, Mr. Júlio Leite Velho, an identified official as the commander of the referred Squad went to the group to loosen them without more contemplation.

For the interest that raised the event, requested by us, the commander not only he didn't accept to speak, as he denied that they had been detained people in that police station.

Our report witnessed the moment in that the men were returned the freedom, leaving the police station, policeman's back yard for the exterior of the building.

A little before the looseness we had requested entrance authorization in the chains or equivalent space, without this went accepts for the boss of the Picket that identified for Júlio's name. The same official for us contacted that minutes before he had said to be ignorant of the detainees' presence in the place.

Mr. David Mendes interviewed a little after the looseness said that there are already some weeks that the party develops of the similar activities. The purpose as it was fast, it is to do to know the organization in the society and to bring together with the suffering of the populations. The first of them had room in Lubango, without any incident.

In the action today one of the groups composed of more than 50 people worked in Kimbangu, populous neighbourhood of Palanca, municipal district of Kilamba Kiaxi, the second of Luanda.

In the Letter open to the governor the one that had access, PP denounces her collects near of millions of Kwanzas effectuate for the authorities the populations, with promises of concession of earth portions, without the delivery of the same ones proceeded to the moment.

"Until today, the government is not capable to say where it is the money defrauded the citizens, nor it is capable to indicate where they are the allotment" lands reads in the letter.

"The party is brought together with the people and it urges the government to give in" we were to paraphrase.

The popular party is the first force politics legally constituted to follow the elections of 2008 and it congregates coming militant of other formations, some of the extinct ones for law force, to the they have not gotten minima of 0.5% of requested votes.

PP is according to the manifesto that he made to distribute "... for the pluralism of political currents in her breast, for that, it aspirates a society in that all of the citizens are free from choosing her political ideology without, for such, suffer any discrimination or reprisal in the job, in the teaching, in the institutions public or private."

sábado, 13 de novembro de 2010

Luanda. Last hours. Anti-terror police destroys the street salespersons' goods

Anti-terror police to pursue poor street salespersons?! Sincerely, only in the Nazism. This Angola every time surprises more for the negative. How is it that it will finish this savagery?
Groups of four anti-terror police circulate for the streets of Luanda… and they destroy the street salespersons' goods. Preferably they prefer kicking and to trample on the products that the hungry persons got to sell, since they are completely excluded of the oil goods and diamond… they are not entitled the anything.
That is one more subject for UN to solve. And China, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, José Sócrates and limited-liability society if they pronounce that for the visas support such a terrorist initiative in Angola, according to the habitual speeches of the unhealthy paternalism.

sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010

Nvunda Tonet. INVITATION

Official release of the book "Psychologists, reason and for something? " of authorship by Nvunda Tonet. The work will be presented by António Setas on November 10 at the 15 PM in the auditorium of the University Óscar Ribas – Talatona, Luanda, Angola. Price: 3.000 Kz. Her presence is fundamental. Light a child and stimulate the reading habit. Because we believed that "a country is made with men and books" - Monteiro Lobato

quinta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2010

To dream, our eternal freedom

Our life conception is the dream. After many dreamed years, we felt as a traveller of the future time to look for the nostalgia of the past. We perished, but the dreams no.

And I sleep and agreement for the next nightmare that torments me: the universal pretension of the return to the slavery of the Chinese communist regime. In the bottom, the history of the civilization is always an any emperor to dream in imposing us the nightmare of the dominance in the eternal darkness.

What more I should do for anybody to accept my friendship? Will it be because I can just offer him the integral vision of the content of the world degeneration?