In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012

As if a very rainy afternoon pursued me

Alive those moments, as if they were the last ones, of the only to hear the soft lost chords of a piano, as if a very rainy afternoon pursued me. Does it seem that we don't know, or did we fake, what everything the one what in the fence of sadness also fills with joy, that little or does he swim remains already of our longings? My God! As we are so colonized again! Because we hoped anybody frees us and again do enslave us? Because we didn't free ourselves?  

To hear the murmur of coiling of the water of a creek, sweet, sad, as sliding of the fingers in the keys of a piano of the lost Freedom, spoiled. It is this the sonority of the fortress of the Freedom that moves us, it encourages us.  

Everything consumes energy, the Freedom also, it just awaits for our energy, so that it wakes up of the sleep artificial, heavy.

Image: ... us. The story is an examination of different cultural and artistic ...

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Then it stops, expired, she wants to cry

I want to be fantastic 
as a rainbow 
but I don't want to be star 
because I am already it 
and in the revelation of mine 
sensibility, I am 
Yours to walk it is very funny 
of free hair, to wave 
to walk in the sand of the beach, insecure 
then it stops, expired, she wants to cry

Image: Lord Byron 'The Dream' - an illustration for his poem, 'The Dream'.

quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

SOS. Há 25 dias, banco millennium Angola faz crime. ATENÇÃO UNICEF! A um metro vivem e brincam crianças. PAREM COM ESTE HORROR!

UNICEF! MUITO URGENTE! A um metro vivem e brincam crianças. Parem com este horroroso crime. As crianças vão morrer porque os seus pequeninos pulmões não suportam o veneno que 24/24 horas respiram. Isto não é mais um crime contra a humanidade?

Será suficiente uma indemnização de um milhão de dólares?
TERROR no banco millennium Angola
Este banco abriu uma agência na rua rei Katyavala, frente à ANGOP, espoliou o terreno, instalou super gerador nas traseiras do prédio e deixa-o ligado mesmo com a energia eléctrica da rede, o barulho é demais, e o fumo tóxico é mortal, 24/24 horas como convém à morte. Onde estão as milícias com as suas barras de ferro e acabarem com a manifestação arruaceira deste banco? A nossa fonte garante-nos que para dormir têm que fechar as janelas, senão acorda-se morto.

Na imagem, em primeiro plano a chaminé do gerador. E ao fundo um mercenário português ao serviço do banco millennium Angola fotografa moradores para mais espoliação, tipo cárcere privado?

domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

You are for besides the reality

It carries me in your thought 
but you don't leave me already over there 
I want to read you, to travel you 
he returns, he returns, he returns 
it carries me in the clouds 
of your originality 
because finally I discovered 
you are for besides the reality 
Those waves as they never saw me 
we cannot go 
we cannot be 
we cannot say 
I cannot take you 
because I know that where is 
you will never return 
and I am going like this wasting the time 
that he never returns 
my dreams don't end tomorrow 
one day, one night, a woman 
in a dream 
in a kiss, in an affection 
