In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

segunda-feira, 27 de maio de 2013

My name nobody knows

Nor me 
My name is, I don't know! 
I look at my clock 
And the pointers always move 
In the same direction  
Which, I don't know 
And what does that interest? 
Because we moved all 
In the same direction of the dictatorships 
And my future is the law of the violence 
Of the bullet 
When I look for my window 
(no longer I see the sun, steal-millstone) 
Is the democracy after all that? 
Do they steal in the how terrorists? 
And they say that the other terrorists 
Do they attack us? 
With so many terrorists that govern us? 
Yes! This world is of the global terrorism 
Only even a government that doesn't know what is the love 
He bets in the mendicancy of the streets 
Yes! Democracy is that! 
Voters that voted for in the stability, in the change 
They lost the hope of a better life 
After all it is a lot, very worse 
I already know which my name is 
I look at the wall, yes, I am one more walled in 
Of the democracy 
I look, eye, I turn the glance 
But, I only see walls 
And very armed forces of safety 
For against who to struggle us? 
Against the beggars! 
And the terrorists move forward, implacable 
As ants, grasshoppers, piranhas 
And these governments' bet is to end with the love 
To substitute it for the terror 
the corruption strengthens the agony 
of the democracy 
and where there is no love 
there is terrorism, terror 

segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2013

Oh! Glorious emir of the love!

Oh! Glorious emir of the love! 
Always more close to the lute 
he is our love 
Eternally it will be the easiest 
To ride is necessary 
a great effort 
to proceed and of the castle to free you 
And to follow you, to walk, to love you 
And to snatch the jasmines that in the road 
to find 
to fight 
And in my sword sheathing 
And to spur my mounted one 
and of the castle to free you  
to take possession 
This world is a castle 
Where two beings struggle, they desire to see him 
Only the love drives us in the victory of the 
of the glory 
Never the love was, it will never be 
It is that that forever it is  
in Taj Mahal 

Image: Noshi Gilani. Facebook