The storm was intense and the waves of the sea seemed a steed without
tamer. But even so we embarked in our ship of the love disposed to face the
powers of the Nature, because there is a lot knew that anything, nobody wins
the power of the love. Yes, the powers of the nature and of the love they are
When the love comes unfastened nobody arrests him
And it seems that until today that nobody learns
I fear that very few know how to love
Because the love is not in the glasses of a bar
When we are present everyday in the loved person's company the love is
as shaky. But when we were absent, of our love we stood back, we carried the
weight of the nostalgia of that painting and to the we look at the landscapes
that surround us easily we see that they waive us with sadness. There is as
that an intense electric activity that in everything interferes. When the
circuits of the love are interrupted no there are fuses to restore them because
easily they are founded. Of the love we cannot stand back with a lot of delay,
because if we do him he will reject us pressing.
In the love without tracks the convoys don't circulate
They are been ashamed of hearts that stroll in them
As a ship that the stranger sea
Ghost ship with passengers of beyond-loving
The strong wind of the promontories agitates your beauty while your hair
waves oppressed. It is listened the tremor of the water that furious he wants
to free of the prison guards of the prisons of the stone walls. There are
millennia that the crash of that sound pursues us, it pleads us that we save
the waves that want to the another of their loves in the high sea to join.
There are many times that I don't see you
I conserve unharmed our desire
I am at a very distant castle
As Lancelot in the wandering love
A lot of children astonish me riding
Of their abandoned small bodies without place
Victims of the fateful hunters' discounts
With hypocrisy they call them my loves
Picture: Carmen dos Santos (Carmen Cardin)