A government of the marathons and for the marathons
that he insists to drink the alcohol no original of our origins and of our destinies
We insisted in the businesses that the wind takes
and in the vocation of the innate parties to burn the time that in the surplus in surplus
The hypocrisy is the satisfaction of the accomplished duty
To sow injustices is to pick revolts
Even if our government makes some work for some African to see
we will put an end to her
If we had the atomic bomb would be nicknamed "the Continent of the ashtray radioactive"
If the drink went books I would be very educated
Even in the international contests of drunk alcoholic we are discriminated
because beforehand all know that we are winner
And in this battle there is no Waterloo
I am not exhausts
but constrained of not running for the sand of the beaches
An instant changes a lot, a lot of thing
The statues of my breasts erects, modelled
as aphrodisiac fruit in the avidity of the fright of the pleasure
in the wait of the alimentary the life
and deify me again
without corruption nor fall
of the actual government
something very easy
I am a goddess fabled lover, wanted by all the gods
and before the reality of these things without world
Ó embarkations of the clandestine emigration
take me and that it arrives lives to the tragic-marine borders
of the new colonization
The building where I still get to live, they remain some foundations
fortunately! I prefer the dry grass of the pitched freedom
I commit my African fall
When signing contracts of any species
national or international… for something!? If later they are forgotten,
torn, abandoned in the garbage cans disproportionate, guideless,
it is for that that my people are staunch defender of the delinquency
How many more laws, more disorders
Best will be law not to exist, because the disorder is organized
properly institutionalized
Oh! of me if it gets to develop my intelligence
To be educated, there they arrive me the ancestral sacraments:
She will wash the silly, the clothes and to sweep the ground
then he cooks funji with okras, jimboa and roasted cacusso
He brings the jindungo watered with the drink of our thunderstorm
tropical storm
Soon afterwards we will wake up the shadow of the secular baobab"
We struggled, we suffered, we lived, we died
Without money. He is with them and those
of the oil companies
Rarely for love. If it didn't exist today, tomorrow?!
Image: http://i.pbase.com/o6/
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