So many that left with the hunger precocity, so early
With brutal indifference
As if feelings didn't exist
Unnecessary it is to say that to rejuvenate
To strengthen, to learn again, it is necessary to learn always
The one that
It frightens me to see, to feel the growing cruelty
Tan, long as stretched spring
Of generous youth and ingenuous
Everyday we cursed, we hated
the Westerner hypocrisy and her pollutant Church
To conquer the power I am enough a smuggler of weapons
They and they are our best friends
With them and with them we died in the wars, we sustained the democracies
I don't trust in anybody. These political ones are adventurous, behind them they are, they arrive, always in movement others stop
To speak, to disagree, I am not able to. I take a risk to be arrested
Everyday they steal us. The Government loses the financial resources that they emanate for the sewerage systems of the companies, government structures of the ones that govern us, or their families
It is never known who drives
He doesn't give to live, we have to flee
Africa, Angola is the concentration camp of the globalisation
The nude ebony of my body transparent, unreal
He flies, it jumps all of the obstacles of the imagination
of the moments of pleasure
Doesn't sell the feelings of my colour
although in the distant desire and to expire
To know to wait with vitality and ardour.
The unrestricted desires that we have.
I am cavalier, it calms, convict of the certainty
That with so much violence walked for the beyond.
Of so much emotion uncontrolled
of not being present but postponed
the love is an incurable disease
I walk attempts always because I can fall in a channel
These walks of the streets have channels, I don't eat the one of Venice
These have open ditches that allow the drainage of the sewers for the streets
They are as our Government. He is a Government of the sewers and for the sewers
Africa is the black continent cleared up always by the solar light
I see the days to pass, and the hunger doesn't make to alter them
Always in war!
The foreigners are evacuated, me not
Without conviction, without content everything breaks in pieces
And it is the burning fire to consume the passion
He gets lost the reason. We still don't have Government
Just for the time being a group of imbecile
That they lost, they still didn't learn
What is the reason
Image: Angola em fotos
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