Live the Marxism-Leninism! Yesterday, February 23, day of the grace of Ours Lord, the Politburo darkened us with one more cut of electric energy of the 19.08 to the 02.44 hours.
They are to destroy my life. I don't manage to do anything. At this time I don't know what to do. I want to flee of here, already! But I thought better: I will tolerate to the maximum that it can. Somebody has to narrate the events. It is that I feel as a corresponding of war in a sinister battle front. The poverty already knocks me on the door with din, he already announces himself, it is a right thing.
The children invade the hospitals massively due to the wave of dust of the anarchical works of MPLA. It seems that they want to cross China in pollution, or they already passed him ahead. What is natural because in misfortunes it doesn't exist better than this MPLA. We are in Korea of the North or something!
I think so! The Marxist-Leninist ones are all same ones. The order word is: everything to kill to the hunger!
Angolan hungry persons! The graves of MPLA wait for you! And the hypocrisy of the Church blesses them.
This MPLA is to exterminate the population. And the shit of the opposition oil field should already make a manifestation, other, other and more other until doing to kick about, to the cunning, Stalinist MPLA. But they are all the same dirt. It is for that that the other said, oldest Hermes: «What is on top is same to it that is in low.»
I fear that more Europe and his natural ally, the USA, support the extermination plan in course of the Angolan "darkness." And how it is in the fashion the extermination of populations…
I don't want to hear to speak more in MPLA!
MPLA kills it everything! MPLA the party of the idiots!
Image: FOLHA 8
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