In one afternoon in Frederico it was in an of my readings, Mota and Quitério appear. They ordered to come two coffees, later they asked me if he wanted to go with them to the Academical City to attend her a concert of ballads. Of course accepted the invitation and there we went.
The place where the minstrels would exhibit was wide. He was full. We got places in foot. The theme of the ballads was the protest song. The first ones play were her the Duo Ouro Negro. I believe that they sang only two music of the Angolan folklore. One of them spoke about a serpent. Somebody didn't like and it began to depreciate:
- Did these brutes come here to do the something? To speak of a serpent, what does that have to do with our fight?!
Few liked her acting. When Adriano Correia of Oliveira appeared was the delirium.
I ask the wind that passes
you announce of my country
And the wind silences the misfortune
and the wind anything I say
Such an elucidating poetry. Well played and song that enchanted our hearts, and our thirsty soul of justice and freedom. And in another composition.
- And the weapons don't cultivate earth…
All clapped a lot of hands. We thanked and we motivated her fight for a Portugal free from the oppression.
To follow Zeca Afonso. The noise with that it was received seemed that the building will tumble. There is already a lot that he knew him for the ballad of the Boy of Gold of their times of Coimbra. But Zeca no longer it was the same, it developed a lot. Their compositions now were a challenge direct to the regime. Extremely watched by PIDE, it feared that the shock police appeared and it attacked us to the cudgelling as it was habit. When that happened behaved as true furious dogs. But strangely they didn't appear. And Zeca in their folkloric discoveries.
We will sing the New-Year's carols
we will sing the New-Year's carols
For those back yards inside we go
to the single girls.
Zeca, clear, was very intelligent, or else we see the choir:
Pam pará pi pam pam. Pam pará pi pam pam. That translated means:
They will stop vain Pide, they will stop vain Pide, they go, they go, they go.
Zeca ridiculed the regime without them if they gave bill. Their acts had to be made in secret, because or else the whole shock police appeared in force and the show would not be accomplished. As well as vein, it was also discreetly.
This gave me an idea. Because not to create a personal anthology of the protest song? I bought some school notebooks and I wrote in them everything that linked with such a theme. The certain height felt bill that the notebooks that I bought no longer they arrived. Zeca Afonso, Adriano Correia of Oliveira, Luís Cilia, Manuel Alegre, Fiama Hasse Pais of Brandão, Manuel Freire, Priest Fanhais etc.
The surprise came from my father. A known passenger that travel to Paris, before my progenitor's insistence, brought him an order. Fates, of Adriano Correia of Oliveira. Initially my father thought that they were of facto the popular Portuguese songs of the national lament, but when it verified that the popular Portuguese songs were of other winds, he gave me LP.
Image: nossaradio.blogspot.com/2008_12_01_archive.htm
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