The work place was to scarce meters of our home. The partners were two Portuguese. They lived of the pretension, or better, of the illusion of they absorb all of the companies due to the facto of few accountants exist. He seemed a new modality of accounting services industrialized. They were twelve mechanographical machines NCR for us to make releases. The boss of personnel's department was Bento Salomão, natural of Bié, that manifested me desire of knowing after knowing that the Tina spoke umbundu. Then, he started to eat lunch with us frequently and feeling in family told in confidence us:
- I am cousin direct of Savimbi, I am here in Luanda to accomplish a mission.
- What mission? - I asked him as well as that somebody suddenly if he sits down highly in a spy's presence in mission secretes.
- To contact with the people of my family that walk thereabout dispersed. MPLA wants to end with the umbundus… especially that Lúcio Lara that is a great viper.
- I know that UNITA has good staffs and very intelligent...
- Yes, for instance, Jerónimo Wanga is one of the mathematical best than it exists in Angola, but as it is of UNITA, MPLA doesn't give him value.
- He looks, personally I lament this war without sense.
- MPLA will never get to annihilate us, we will expire. He looks, I want to ask you a favour.
- You don't have problems, you can speak comfortable.
- Once in a while I will leave some sacks here with things to give to my family. I thank that nobody moves them, and that they are very hidden for they don't steal them.
- You can be rested that nobody will move them or to steal.
Bento Salomão continues to carry and to transport vulgar plastic bags. Some are heavy. He pleases to open up them but they are well wrapped. If he made him, easily he would discover that they were violated. I ask the Tina, the reason of some sacks be so heavy.
- I don't know.
- With this weight only if it be eaten of lead.
The sacks went and they came. Bento Salomão frequently complains about stomach-aches, and her thinness every day was evidenced. The all the moment supported one of the hands in the belly as if that relieved him or it reduced her the pains. I found imperative to recommend him:
- He will make a consultation.
- It is not necessary; they are problems of the nervous system.
There was a net terrorist in Luanda. The explosions were frequent. The terror was evident. Nobody could foresee where it would be the next explosion. The existence of ours day by day was if it would be at our building, in the job or in another place. The authorities showed her incapacity. Our everyday one took to affects risk seriously what remained of the economic structures.
However, the only radio and television of the Marxist-Leninist State announce that they arrested a great net terrorist. The Tina enters to scream with a copy of the only newspaper that circulated at the country:
- Oh my God! Oh my God! I will faint.
- The one what is Tina?!
- He sees the pictures that are in the newspaper.
I opened it and among several pictures it was the one of Bento. Salomão. Then I understood everything. Our house was for storage of bombs. They were also explained the stomach-aches. My fear was if he had admitted where he kept the bombs, and we be accused of conniving, which as it is obvious, it would be difficult to explain to safety's services.
And they were more Angolan sparkled on behalf of the freedom and of the revolution. Tina started the life to look for the picture and it commented on me:
- Bento Salomão was so handsome, so nice and intelligent.
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