There I acquired the certainty; I am entitled of rioting because they don’t let to feed. Almost stocking century badly driven for the forbidden traffic of the sharks where one cannot love. Nor the wheat lets to sow us. In the fields no cultivated weapons in them will plant. The problem of the hunger is already resolved, they will eliminate us and they won't have more expenses to support us. They have a long time for us to shoot, for us to kill us. Nor one second for us to love. They spent us our lives in the falsehood of the elections. And we suffered with those disillusions, because until they prohibited us the formation of a political party of the love.
They see each other in the faces of the crowds, the avidity of the retreat of the mask of the democracy and of the liberation that they never happened. Anything if it moved, just the overpowering slavery of some that call him the new life found in the committees of defence of the revolution. Finally the people follow her glorious march and the power waits for them. And everything rejuvenates in a matured jasmine and in another that blunts and they perfume us the life. It is not possible in the times today to live side by side with dictators. Their minds are as very, very dry deserts, they snap her, they burst her, and they stun her.
Paraphrasing Albert Camus: you would not shoot so much on the crowds if of them you knew how to extract the maximum.
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