Our lives run danger, at any moment…
The newspaper FOLHA8 this week, edition of 05Mar11, was not published due to that the employees of the print shop where it is printed, received many threats for cellular phone of strangers, threatening them that if they printed it, the responsibilities for their murders would relapse on them, the workers of the print shop. And the fear did with they paralyzed the work, so that Folha8 didn't come out for the newsstands.
And the authors of the anonymous phone calls decreed that Folha8 is a weekly paper that incites to the violence.
Without a doubt that our lives run danger. MPLA is to urge her war machine for the physical elimination of everything and of all that are not in agreement with her political line that is: the corruption, the spoliation, and the maintenance of the concentration camps of the death, dispersed for all to Angola.
Angola burns, Angola is the hell.
Who accusation the corruption commits the incitement crime to the violence.
Stalin is alive, and it waives us with the death.
The one that MPLA intends is very simple: he wants to be alone with her family and with Angola as deprived property. And who is not of agreement, bang! bang!
MPLA wants the total and complete war. Never who did a war highly fratricidal it is in conditions of speaking in peace, could only make him with the devil. In fact as always he made it and he does.
To listen the radios, TVs and the newspapers of Mpla that now bomb us more than never, at night and in the daytime with propaganda orthodox Stalinists, this is not incitement to the violence?
But, more war against who? Against the flies and mosquitoes that infest us, and for the ones which no solution there has be more than thirty years, and is the population that already crossed him what considered poverty?
The return at the old good times of the slaughters returned.
We waited that the Angolan ones she don't let to kill as the Nazis did. That they transported millions of human rags for the they chirps in the gas chambers of the fields of massive extermination.
To Gestapo and SS they opened branches in Angola, and it seems that they already exercise activities. It is only to listen the news sections of the means of communication of Mpla.
The incredible of this everything, is that with the borders of very insecure Angola, grow up one more internal conflict than certainly it will provoke the chaos once again. Won't this be one more suicide?
To force million of Angolan to the poverty, that is not an indecent incitement to the violence?
When, how now, do they threaten us in thousand and a mortal way that is not incitement to the violence?
When can Mpla only make manifestations, and more nobody can him, is it prohibited categorically, that is not incitement to the violence?
The whole mineral wealth… everything that smells to dollars is in being able to of the famous group of the six of Mpla. That also incitement is not to the violence?
When there is no intellectual possibility of debate the violence of Mpla appears. And in this he is very underneath, because who doesn't have cerebral capacity… it uses the shot and the death, because he doesn't know how to talk. The important is the universities of the illiteracy, and the birth of a new homeland with the unconditional support of the new life of the Oil Church that gives the Angolan people to the cemeteries of Mpla. This also incitement is not to the violence?
Is the way with what arrested and do they condemn the political opponents, this is not incitement to the violence?
MPLA pleads the Angolan population to maintain vigilant. It can only be surveillance of the corruption and of the poverty that they don't stop, until they already broke the world record.
To end with the markets, how the one of Roque Santeiro, and to force the thousands of salespersons to beg for her in the streets, this is not a cadaverous incitement to the violence?
To flood foreigners' Angola and to offer them our jobs, this is not an incentive to the violence?
At this time Mpla has at least four factions: the Faction-JES, of Mr. José Eduardo dos Santos, actual President of Angola, the Mpla-Ut, and the Union of the democratic Tendencies, Nito Alves' followers, and Committee of the Change of Mpla. Which of them will win him? It is due to their serious internal problems that Mpla tries to divert the attentions for Unita, as traditional scapegoat. But is it that anybody manages to do a war, or a coup d'état with four containers of ammunitions of an apprehended ship of the United States of America, from when and done keep in the arbour of Lobito in Angola?
We won't leave that Mpla-JES contains the democracy in the prisons of the dictatorship.
And because it is that Mpla maintains to her service mercenary journalists and incendiaries, as the sadly famous Mr. José Ribeiro, of the Morgue Newspaper of Angola. This is not a more instant incentive to the violence?
The fight among the oils and spoiled them of everything intensifies. That it wins the best.
And we swore that we will do a homeland oil of Angola… when we free ourselves of the extermination of our populations.
This is not a homeland, it is an oil volcano.
For this walk we have more candidates to TPI. Angolan dictators: the International Penal Tribunal waits for you!
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