In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2010

To love is to want the memory of the lost time

When the sun of the evening extinguishes one is born other sea. The waves as that they disappear, they hide of our vision, but her sound stays triumphant. He seems to work always in the same way, but no, it is in continuous revolution. The whole Nature changes and we insisted on yours and in our destruction. However, a year end approaches fast and another is commemorated.

We would want that everything and all if and they surrounded us of flowers. And that never their petals withered. With so much noisy and ruinous activity, as it is so difficult to obtain a moment of silence. Because to listen it is more important than to fake speaking. The silence is our best dialogue. Only that nobody wants to manufacture it because there is the refusal of anybody wanting to sell.

So many passed years and no remembered, forever having lost in the mist of the time. As a profusion of youths green leaves that quickly turn pale and they abandon us, they leave our company. To love is to want the memory of the lost time. It is only one love is more valuable than all the others that we sought and we didn't find.

The free hair in the wind wave in the acquired freedom. This is the most elementary true. Just what remains us, we loosen ourselves of our prison and we let to crawl for the free windstorm. Because we shielded ourselves when did we love and didn't we reveal it? Yes! We still didn't free ourselves of that prejudice, because it is still shameful to declare to the four winds that we loved. So many millennia plotted in the verb of the love.

Our monotony is broken once a year. We reflected that we are going aging, while the past increases relentless, our future is shortened. I believe that it is this the sensation of the lost and reminded years of when in time.


quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2010

Luanda, Angola. Journalist, Mr. Armando Chicoka, one more "ready process to condemn"

Our Gbagbos won black wings, formerly they were white, they returned, they revolutionized, they were reinforced blacker sinister. They only know, they impose us the law of Lynch, because not having Blocks that cut them the wings, they are going winning wings, flying, always in the appetite of going beyond, always higher, but they will fall with notable noise.

It is it is done justice on behalf of the petroleum in our eighteen bastilles.
That is to play to the colonialism; it is to wall in lives the upstarts' youth democracy. The power has so many shameless to judge, but he fakes justice judging innocent in ruins the one that calls tribunals, when in the reality they are ruins of the mills of the sugar in the slaves' new gentlemen's hands.
Of facto and of it takes oath, Angola is still for own will, trench strong of the dictatorship in Africa. And everything will end badly because everything began badly.

Always in the stigma of the return at the old good times, in that somebody was arrested because it dressed a nightgown with a drawn eagle, or a simple dollar bank note was enough to accuse and to arrest: internal "agent of the imperialism."
We don't want more those times of Stalin, Pol-Pot, and of the still comrade Kin...
But doesn't the May 27 arrive them?! Didn’t they still lose the thirsty taste for corpses? The example of the one what in the Ivory Coast happens is not you eloquent?

And when the things if they return, of course will return to the opposite, and you will be seating in the bank of the defendants that won't support your weight, just as you do in Mr. Armando Chicoka's hypocritical judgement.
And in of the Ivory Coast it is the continuation of our fight!

Image: my only crime was to believe in the freedom of press and in the preponderance of the public interest on the others… in Namibe the judges are that they order. In

segunda-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2010

Happy birthday

Our life in the world was granted to build us eternally a melody wonderful. However, monsters that destroyed everything that we got up, appeared and nor a love string wants to leave us. Soon, of our future and of the humanity they won't remain more birthdays.

The times change, us no. I believe that we stayed obstinately same.

I believe that we didn't like plants but of the flowers that they give us. It is as the people that we just looked at them externally, but however in her interior they have countless perfumed celestial gardens of intense love, that we still didn't discover.

The fundamental difference that it exists among the human beings is the following: some healthy one very persevering and convicts of their aspirations that drive them for the victory. Others live in the shadow, betraying and destroying the lot of work that the persevering ones do. Her order word is the uselessness.

It is with immense bitterness that I see ours live as a river that dried, to disappear. They want to dry off our desires and to steal us our hope. The one that remains is we reinforce him more and more the love, that invincible weapon that everything expires and it convinces.

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010


That the dream and the perseverance illuminate your mind and your heart.

While we lived there is always the memory that pursues us once a year, it is the happy birthday.

We lived many moments, but there is one that is us wanted always: a happy birthday.

The years add and they proceed and us also. We just remembered that when we do years.

To do years is to age the body and to rejuvenate the mind.

After so many passed years, lived, we reminded the nostalgia of the time foreseeing the future.

sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010

Luanda, Angola. Our Voltaire's Bastille, Mr. William Tonet

(FOLHA 8, is the only Angolan weekly paper that it still remains... free, combatant for the freedom of expression)

The Process to "Ready-to-condemn

Next Monday, December 13, he will have beginning a judgement, that in the reality, they correspond to three processes manufactured to the measure of the regime, he wants to say, of the "ready type to condemn", as they are unhappily almost all of the processes that say respect not only to manifestations of popular against decisions of the Executive or of the National Assembly, or of an any member (tentacle) of the political power, but also the simple way to express her indignation against the same ones. A word harsher, more contusing, arrives to lift the spectrum of the slander and of the treachery.
It will be like this in the judgement behind referred (whose sentence is already cultivated very probably before him to have begun), concerning a complaint introduced against our director Mr. William Tonet by very influential members of the instituted power, although of fleeting passage for the corridors of the State.
They will be three the processes in judgement, moved by the former-boss of State-larger General of the Armed forces (CEMGFAA), Mr. Francisco Pereira Furtado, through the process: 972/08-D; the Procurator of the Military Attorney's office of FAA, Mr. Hélder Pitagroz, process 659/08-D and the famous general, considered by many of their collaborators and family (they know, certainly, that they say), multimillionaire, Boss of the Military House of the Presidency of the Republic and Former-boss of the Cabinet of National Reconstruction, Mr. Manuel Vieira Dias, Kopelipa, process n.º 1449/08-D.
The crimes that our director is accused were of committed facto, if it is that that is crime, in the extent of the freedom of expression and information, in the extent of the attributes that they are privilege of F8, that continues to exercise an unalterable pressure since he not few) for the died government's high employees and of the condemned Executive actual to disappear, not to lose temper the partial and discriminatory form of administration of the public thing and of the autochthonous people.
Lawyer Mr. David Mendes, responsible for the defence he believes to treat of one more cabal of the regime, because the published news don't constitute any defamation slander. The reality is that these generals say to support the democracy but they are not prepared for her exercise", it assured F8, this defence lawyer.
In another dimension he didn't stop referring to the facto of this "attitude to mean, per times, a pressure on the system of the justice, with base in the force, in the sense of this and the tribunals if they subdue to the interests and appetites of the generals instead of the law and of the right. In any way we believed that a nucleus of new judges is more and more committed with the Justice and not with the economic power and intimidator of the considered powerful."
Of recalling that this judgement of Mr. Wlliam Tonet, that will have beginning in the next 13, is one of the almost two hundred that weigh on her person. In her smashing majority all of them were formatted at the workshops of Futungo, (Kremlin in the city of Luanda surroundings) of SINFO (military/secret police) and of other appendixes of the regime and they have for characteristic a clear function and common objectives: to annihilate, to silence, or to put out of the game media effect F8.
Only to give an example, it is of recalling another well educated process for the Public prosecution service that sooner or later will have to pass to the bar of the tribunal.
Those Excellencies, that saw each other armoured for the prestige of the position that they occupy, they moved processes to F8 for that organ of social communication to have unmasked the truth on a case of movement of bottoms in the exterior of the country, namely Portugal and published the barbaric form as the former-president of Guinea-Bissau was murdered, Nino Vieira. Pictures published with the approval of the family of the died, that it doesn't consider an outrage her honour. In fact as later this was verified found of several bottoms, that they were not lost (as the 300 million BNA, (Bank National of Angola) nor discoveries (also as the one of BNA) but that stopped partly uncertain in the uncertain people's pockets and, hateful crime to the eyes of certain sector’s of PGR, (General attorney's office of the Republic) they had also left (as the one of BNA), but very legalism, of the safes of the State, only, for the or their signatories be prominent illustrations of the Executive (the business of Bank BANIF).
With base in this plot the politician, Mr. Fenga Miranda makes the following picture that F8 thanks. "To the subject of your audience on the 13, it lets to presage that the fence crowds together more and more and incredibly all the linked forces the dynamics so much political, as social and associative they continue distracted. Each one thinks that has been roofing of concrete or lead parasol, he wants to say that the neighbour’s fire will never reach her house. The regime or "supposedly", it seems to be to win the battle of the drowsiness and in a calculated way, very veiled and extremely dangerous it will push us for the hole, without the world notices that, because the smile is always present and as everything it is made subtle and sensible, above all the international community interprets as "faits-divers". He is urgent to organize an appeal or a letter to the Nation and the International Community, species petition of associations, intellectuals, academicals, teachers, journalists, on the state actual of the democracy in Angola and the risks of the future."

The director of F8, Mr. William Tonet, was refuted, and when the process ran their procedures was verified that everything that had been revealed corresponded to the reality of the facts. Which something? It was not heard a single protest voice against the defamation woven by PGR, because her complaint had as exclusive objective to dirty the good name of F8.
We will see what she will pass. But a thing is right, F8 won't die. It can go to the rug, as already before it happened. But he will get up. Reinvigorated and it will follow her march heading for a country fairer, less corrupt and discriminatory and with better distribution of the Angolan wealth.

domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010

Faces and faces

That the green force of the vegetation is always with you, and that the sun of your dreams contemplates you. Unhappily the many days bad drag the good ones.

It puts everyday of your dreams in day. He always struggles, above all it avoids that the dictatorships, again democratic, become overcast the mind.

A feminine face, I see him always very attractive as the foam of the sea in the life to jump. Where eye, I want that you also look, I see everything, splendour of green.

sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010

Mr. Justino Pinto de Andrade. BD. Democratic Block of Angola

The Democratic Block promises that everything will do so that the coming times are of Peace, Concordance and Progress, with the contest of all, without exclusions nor discriminations.

Mr. Laurindo Neto. National Alliance of Angola

We went betrayed! What can be summarized, summarized in the process of alienation of the minds, manipulation of the law, of the justice and of the society, outrage to the homeland and widespread corruption without limits, will have to be white in this swinging.

quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010


Anonym said...
Dear Mr. Reginaldo, pay attention to the following and see what can do to denounce in her blog or in another sphere any: the atmosphere in the newspapers recently bought by hand of the State is of cutting to the knife. The censorship makes home. Once the ready newspaper has to be submitted to the shareholders that, for her time, they take the material to a laboratory for us to decide on what owes or it should not be published, and as it should also be.


Critics to the Boss of State are forbidden, even cartoons have been censured. See that a certain newspaper, in the case The Capital, had to lock the edition because of a layer that denounced the murder of an Angolan one perpetrated by Chinese. They had to do, for there of the dead-line, another layer. The atmosphere, in the newsroom, is critical, with the unhappy journalists to threaten, only see, to abandon the newspaper in block. Pay attention: they want to leave in block. And it is what will happen if those attacks to the freedom of press and of expression they subsist.

Image: "of which planet they are?”

FNLA of Angola

It is in this context and at this time historical, that it is exalted strange entities to our liberation process, to the detriment of those that in weapons in the hand, they freed the Country.