In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2014

Your beauty is my dream, I never want to wake up

Your face illuminates us, it fascinates us as a star still for unmasking. There in the distant your Universe, the shine of your eyes is the splendor of the sun that vibrates as the life of the Nature of your beauty. So juvenile, so natural, as pleasant as the purity of the water of a river descends of a mountain. I want that your beauty shows us the road of the immortality, of the happiness.

The beauty is the woman's sublime art. Pure, it reaches the perfection and it just magnetizes with the glance. He is for besides the sixth feminine sense. The beauty is the woman's mystery that never somebody will unmask. It is that that moves us and it restores us the forces, that it balances us in the day by day. Without the woman's beauty our life extinguishes as a desert. The beauty is our comfort, our refuge, our hope, our dream. To live is because to dream with the beauty.

When the sun rises the face of the beauty shines. The beauty enters, he makes party. The glance also shines intensely of eloquent desire. The most sublime of the Universe is the conquest of a woman's beauty. A her simple gesture announces the presence of her beauty. Her mysterious smile drags us for her interior, and there the beauty irradiates her splendor. Only the beauty makes us immortal. It is for that reason that your beauty will be sung in verse and in the books immortal writing, as the jasmine of Pakistan.

That a smile always illuminates your life, be your guide, your hope, your longings for you win the future fights. The perseverance is the mystery of our success, of our happiness. And that everyday of your life are always happy birthdays. I wish you of the deepest of my heart, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

In that spring landscape the youth smiled you inviting, where all of the roads of the beauty hug each other. It is a charm to enjoy the offer of such angelic sculpture. Only the beautiful in the marvel, comforts us the soul of the supreme treasure of your beauty. 

sábado, 14 de junho de 2014

Agualusa "For the first time, I feel that can say that am a writer"

When of the release of her last book, the Rainha Ginga, a report of "as the Africans they invented the world".
In declarations to the Portuguese agency, José Eduardo Agualusa said that her new book, that he "wanted to write there is a long time", the answers "an inquietude" of the Angolan ones, that you want to know her past, in a new perspetive. 
Agualusa explained that it "took time" to write it, because he had of "informing more" and he needed to "put in the head of the it Swings, in her universe", pointing out that "everything happened in a time very retreated."

domingo, 8 de junho de 2014

Six years in the eternity of the life already walked

José Quitério 
I am in the window of the room, in spite of being day, about fifteen hours, the street is very dark, the sky darkened her. Approaches strong storm. The rain falls with force, the street is flooded. The forts drops seem silver bombs, they beat in the soil and they come undone in the search of the earth for us to fecundate her. 

The thunderstorm is close, because they are already clear the sparkles following by the thunders.  

Half hour later the rain makes a pause, it seems that he already gives to leave, but no, the wind blows to announce that more rain will arrive. I don't know if today I will get to travel for Frederico's Coffee. I don't know if I will be in my friends' company to see the western series Bonanza.  
The darkness stays, in the buildings they ignite the lamps that will continue like this because inside in little the official of the night will substitute the official in the daytime.  

The rain doesn't give up her mission of whipping, to flood the earth. The trees are anxious happy for the bath, the green intensifies thankful for the manifestation of the festival of the nature. 
I see children that leave the cars run her for us to play in the water, but same impeded by their parents resist them, using all of the tricks of the infantile artillery. But an or another gets to deceive the maternal surveillance and it jumps, it is swung in the water imagining that it is a duck. When in children we felt an irresistible attraction for the water that makes to imagine that we came from the sea. 

I think that on this Saturday Frederico's Coffee will be a place great to breathe, therefore that due to the rain few people will frequent it. Different from other Saturdays of Bonanza in that it can one to say that all of the smokers of the Olivais Sul there will fill the nicotine chimneys as in a factory. 
And to the you walk in the eternity reminds you always of me. You are there on the other side, I am in this, in spite of your immaterial presence I get to feel as if the death just went the opposite dimension of the life.  
Close to the light lamp in the street sees some plants that appear rejuvenated by the elixir of the water, as the alchemists' crucible.  
The family is of return, the voices are unmistakable. No longer I get to think. The children knock on the door, they call for me. I open, they enter and they hug me happy.  
Today the rain said that no, and I accept her decision.   
I am going to the kitchen and later to the dining room, and I call: "Mother! Mother! Mother! " Oh! I remember that already there are not, you left in the machine of the time for a distant place where finally you will rest and you will live in peace. I will never forget you!

segunda-feira, 2 de junho de 2014

In Luanda, Angola, Murder of Muslims cause apprehension

Muslim believers believe that the murders don't have religious reasons 
Coque Mukuta 
The murder of several Muslims in Luanda is to provoke some anxiety among the Islamic community. 
In 23 and 27 of this month happened more two deaths of foreign citizens that profess the Muslim religion. 
Muslim believers believe that the murders don't have religious reasons. 
They affirm, however, that the responsible for the crimes have not been taken before the justice. 
According to Dialo Muhamed the last murdered Muslim this week was killed with three shots. 
Since 2013, the number of humans Muslim victims belongs to 12 people in Luanda - according to Muhamed. 
"Only this month they already killed three, they sometimes arrest the thieves, they sometimes loosen and we don't know because that loosen" told them Muhamed underlining that the community is to collaborate with the police in the investigations. 
The report of the it VOA tried to speak with the police in Luanda on the subject without great success. The police promise, however, to pronounce at any moment on her the subject. 
Image: A Muslim in front of a mosque destroyed in Luanda by order of the authorities for being illegal.