He is printed shooting. The alley is forced, it is affected with the personal and impersonal quarrel. Disordered them jump as rabbits in the demand of the burrow, pursued by hunters of the close season. You, to the irritated cry out slanderer:
- Ah, already the politics Politburo arrived!
The pursuers of the ideals of the law, born men, grown, educated, and with historical shootings continuous always baptisms, callous in the index fingers, they move as taut cats of jump on the mice. The official, erected, it levels the devotion of the speed reading of the law underneath. He has the habit of asking. Without questions, without interrogations it is not possible to accomplish the law. He interrogates Teresa Maka that is with the reborn hope.
- Is that stupefying one drugged?
- It is… it is!
- Is the shooting like this reason?
- When it cocks, he says that it is liquidated.
- Didn't it still kill himself? It is feather!
The police are oases, pleasant, very suitable in safe trenches. They don't attempt offensive. Teresa Maka is exasperated:
- They are stressing me, move forward, pick him!!!
- Are you crazy ó something? I don't want to be bleated!
- Ah, are you afraid of the pistol shot after all?!
- Absolutely!... Yes… no… it is not that… we are to the wait that the brute becomes distracted, or fall asleep, later we filled him with holes. We guaranteed that has the counted time, won't remember the register from birth. He will remember the day in that he died.
Mentor, social and religiously it appreciates factual:
- It is the civilization of the candy in the execution of his destiny. The easiest that it exists, and they are not necessary courses, schools, universities… it is to carry in the trigger. Our civilization and our lives just depend on a finger leaned in the trigger of a weapon. They are the weapons that decide our future. Any of us takes a risk to every moment in the bad road. Without humanism the life doesn't have sense. Our gold dreams, wanted, they disappear in the longings of an any with any weapon.
Where many safeties have is because there is a lot of insecurity. They are human statues erected to hold what is stolen, what doesn't feel to the hungry persons. I stopped two of them close to, I heard edifying dialogue.
-… I filmed everything! They ordered me there to do emergency service on that night.
- It puts in the play.
- Shit! Cost to accept.
- Oh, he speaks there mine!
- I never thought to be sounded out of tune like this.
- What thing? I am already anxious!
- It was at the Island of Luanda… couples… of husband and woman. They stood back, to put the foot in the highway, as lions horns that attract the hunt night owl. The cars stopped with lynx eyes, they purloined a, the husband scrubbed the hands of happy, it acclaimed happy: they "already took mine! They already took mine! ". When the other if it pleased, it was with luck, the consort rejoiced: "Today I will fit in beer! ". They made very fasts the social service, and they stored in the husbands.
- Hey! Hey! Well done! We believed in the promises of the Politburo… we will become bored of settlers.
- Ho My! New settler’s new languages.
- And do they know how to speak our language?
- Not! We have to learn her language.
- And will we have time to study so many languages?!
- For something? We have the corporal language.
To boil the sorrows of the nervous system central they conspired in a transparent drink that a salesperson she made corner.
Image: Angola em fotos
- Ah, already the politics Politburo arrived!
The pursuers of the ideals of the law, born men, grown, educated, and with historical shootings continuous always baptisms, callous in the index fingers, they move as taut cats of jump on the mice. The official, erected, it levels the devotion of the speed reading of the law underneath. He has the habit of asking. Without questions, without interrogations it is not possible to accomplish the law. He interrogates Teresa Maka that is with the reborn hope.
- Is that stupefying one drugged?
- It is… it is!
- Is the shooting like this reason?
- When it cocks, he says that it is liquidated.
- Didn't it still kill himself? It is feather!
The police are oases, pleasant, very suitable in safe trenches. They don't attempt offensive. Teresa Maka is exasperated:
- They are stressing me, move forward, pick him!!!
- Are you crazy ó something? I don't want to be bleated!
- Ah, are you afraid of the pistol shot after all?!
- Absolutely!... Yes… no… it is not that… we are to the wait that the brute becomes distracted, or fall asleep, later we filled him with holes. We guaranteed that has the counted time, won't remember the register from birth. He will remember the day in that he died.
Mentor, social and religiously it appreciates factual:
- It is the civilization of the candy in the execution of his destiny. The easiest that it exists, and they are not necessary courses, schools, universities… it is to carry in the trigger. Our civilization and our lives just depend on a finger leaned in the trigger of a weapon. They are the weapons that decide our future. Any of us takes a risk to every moment in the bad road. Without humanism the life doesn't have sense. Our gold dreams, wanted, they disappear in the longings of an any with any weapon.
Where many safeties have is because there is a lot of insecurity. They are human statues erected to hold what is stolen, what doesn't feel to the hungry persons. I stopped two of them close to, I heard edifying dialogue.
-… I filmed everything! They ordered me there to do emergency service on that night.
- It puts in the play.
- Shit! Cost to accept.
- Oh, he speaks there mine!
- I never thought to be sounded out of tune like this.
- What thing? I am already anxious!
- It was at the Island of Luanda… couples… of husband and woman. They stood back, to put the foot in the highway, as lions horns that attract the hunt night owl. The cars stopped with lynx eyes, they purloined a, the husband scrubbed the hands of happy, it acclaimed happy: they "already took mine! They already took mine! ". When the other if it pleased, it was with luck, the consort rejoiced: "Today I will fit in beer! ". They made very fasts the social service, and they stored in the husbands.
- Hey! Hey! Well done! We believed in the promises of the Politburo… we will become bored of settlers.
- Ho My! New settler’s new languages.
- And do they know how to speak our language?
- Not! We have to learn her language.
- And will we have time to study so many languages?!
- For something? We have the corporal language.
To boil the sorrows of the nervous system central they conspired in a transparent drink that a salesperson she made corner.
Image: Angola em fotos
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