A participant is shielded in the careful silence. He fears to speak because they can throw him the first gravel of the incompetence. Live together poke them him, then it clears the loss of courage of the throat, it refines the spirit, it is evidenced and it reproves the group of the it is all the same:
- Jingola wants to review the statutes of the hunger. The politicians speak bué, (very much) many assemblies, many debates, rains of words, drought to feed. Canine hunger of uncovered wind. The hunger overcomes the oceanic flows. The profits of the banks arise, the hunger also. Words… to give the statement for the not said and the wicked profits are covered with earth, victims of her cruelty. Political that raffle justification, all are gods, of those inaccessible ones.
The obstinate speaker felt the mouth glue. It was a disaccustomed effort, polluted for the powder convenient that flooded the buccal cavity. He requested mineral water, there was only removal of the property of mineralization due to the constants ebullitions. The throat was scratched, it was clogged, and it was congested. In the affliction any water serves. He made a whirlpool, a thrashed of sips. With the repaired throat the theme paraded.
- The feudal procession of the flow autumnal automobile, luxurious of the discredit actual, embarrasses the habitual soil of the mortal poverty. The vestals predict to the charmed princes that the king of the cannons will announce elections. They will be flagellated in 1132, 1133, and 1134. Deforested in 1135, 1136, 1137. Unaccustomed in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. Awaited by Renaissance, abandoned for the Baroque. Our difference lives in that cannot have different ideas. Who is not prepared to govern, that will hunt… crows. He urges a good one enterprising that he screams: CAMERA! ACTION!
The generatrix of the ideas exposes the ideological fervour. He gets lost the moral sense, the good Samaritan is abandoned. The danger of the sectarian politics incites and it confronts the spirits, it encourages the immersion of civil conflicts. When one on the sides is against everything and all, the power jumps to the view. The anarchist’s omnipresence’s throw dust in the incautious eyes.
- Is there anybody what gets to flee of the protective custody of the cities? What doesn't of doing love get tired, always with the same woman?
- Elections, with billions? When the kindness sees herself and want… is ripple… the Orphans and the one of the Politburo are warlike, the election will be ruled to the blow, beating. If the Orphans win, the Politburo ties the game, they will turn the result. United with great businesses, won't give the backs the Midas. If the Politburo loses - they have to win - the military ones are there to solve, to decide the favourable contention to the Politburo. It is like this that he survives a warlike nation, with his eternal leader put in the clouds. With mystery air in the kept apart sea.
- The sword of the barbarism of suspended Urundi.
- For each gang of malefactors there is always a hero. As Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp, the pantheon of the history reminds them.
- In the history of the Western… cowboy
- In the laws of the History. The heroes are necessary, they enter in action and they restore the legality.
The fear of the cholera hurt the minds, it congested the public roads. The cholera is painful because the power doesn't sit down. It is dream of the day. The cunning of the mouth to mouth was interrupted. Updating of the agent of the cholera was radio broadcasted.
- Tolerate the cavalry! He will leave locution of the numbers epidemics.
- It changes for to Radio of the Oracle, the other makes discount.
- It is already! Let to radiate.
Radio Oracle. Numbers of the cholera… forty and two thousand infected and thousand and six hundred died.
More information with our correspondent:
… I miss each other in the desertus mirabilis. Boatman Charon has the controlled situation. It diverted a tributary of the river Estige that floods the desertus mirabilis. The victims are exceeded. The deceased’s progress with the alive ones. These, for us to escape from the fluids of Charon, they jump for the windows of the hospital, that it seems the angel of the death Mengele. The smell of the corpses is unbearable. There is more than one month that the local authorities keep silence. The cholera disperses as an invasion of grasshoppers. Who publishes information of what happens, the authorities threaten with tribunal ad hoc. When I speak to you, the Politburo sets up me guard. They say that will study me informative shock treatment. That furious times these. Ó of the guard! I say good-bye to the world.
- Mentor…
- My Jasmine, the cholera angers the spirit blind men.
Image: Angola em fotos
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