Official organ of the Politburo, of the New Constitution, of the glorious Marxism-Leninism, of the upstarts, of the part house-cottages and of the intolerance zero.
May 21, 2010
Growth strategy seeks to combat asymmetries
Streets of the Namibe without abandoned
Cabinda. Mawete Baptista reaffirms pledge in the well-being of the populations.
Several he needs her. Brazilian for boutique manager
May 09, 2010
Lecture about public honesty. MPLA wants unions with more active paper.
Real estate they offer new tendencies
Several he needs her. Director General Brazilian preference
Hundreds of families in Uíge are leaning. Damaged population receives foils and alimentary goods.
May 07, 2010
Angola makes progresses in the alimentary safety
Diversification of the economy is agrees in the agriculture
Alimentary safety needs urgent attention
Earth cultivated in Angola is still tiny
Director-general of FAO it praises efforts of the Executive in the agricultural domain
The Africans are condemned to adopt politics that guarantee the alimentary safety in Africa.
The public honesty doesn't appear to sanction the public managers, but to standardize and to infuse in the mind of each one that that is the sense of the duty. Marcy Lopes, jurist.
Angola has one of the larger growth levels now, not only of Africa, but at world level. Jacques Diouf, director-general of Fund of the United Nations for the feeding and Agriculture.
Viana shopping centre the pleasure to live
Excess of provoked abortions worries sanitary authorities
Lunda-North. Created the conditions to the fair of the book
Angola Young. Incomes of candidates to the insufficient houses to pay monthly tax.
May 01, 2010
Crops are exciting in Huíla
Several he got lost Chinese passport on behalf of Sichao Cher, Bingoiang Lin and Hangiou Son
For the workers' safety it UNTA wants services of health in all of the companies of the country.
In the whole country. Detected dozens of infractions economic
Cases of tuberculosis worry sanatorium
In Jornal de Angola
Image: I govern provincial it is to foment the family agriculture to combat the hunger
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