The days happened her and our involvement was deepened. But, no matter how much we want exists always an except. When he talked with Marta, Aurélio arrived, it interrupted our dreams and she there went… near him. More time passed with him than with me. I started to question me inwardly, and to doubt of Marta's love. Will it be that they would continue like this after we marry ourselves? And when were the alone ones at the room did the something? The doubts assaulted me in such a way that I felt my nervous system return to the syndrome of the war.
The April 25 arrives. The first reactions are of discouragement and doubt. The Portuguese see her threatened future. The military ones in their speeches in relation to the colonies are evasive. The suspicions increase when he enters the military ones appears several that they divulge the communist ideology. In Angola they are born several tendencies of Portuguese, that by all possible means try to maintain the connection to this country. In a disorganized way, without notion of what is political, in the great majority uncultured, they see her the tree of the ancient Portuguese coins to flee them. Intolerant and fundamentalists, try by all possible means to maintain their favourable positions. But it is already late, too late.
Everything this for me was perfectly normal. He knew beforehand that it would happen, for that I was not surprised nor I felt unaware. Extremist whites wanted to create an army for us to liquidate the blacks. Others tried to form political parties to the last of the hour. Other they still defended an Angola multiracial where black, white and half-bloods would perfectly cohabit, because the greatness of the country arrived and it remained for all. But the truth was this: All ended for choosing one of the three movements. The most average observations were: FNLA was movement tribalism, they were all of the North, and the few whites that adhered him were her considered objectives to abate. UNITA was the movement of the whites. MPLA belonged to the half-bloods and of some communist whites. Before this how to reconcile the irreconcilable?! Was the chaos, and did this arrive with speed. The statement was based in: "No I accept to be ordered for black. With blacks to order nor to think."
The plans of general stampede begin to be drawn.
Marta shows me catalogues of homes and of furniture’s. She appears for one:
- This American furniture style is very beautiful.
I agreed entirely with their preferences. I emphasized him that it liked her a lot. Apprehensive, I whispered him that he preferred to count with the money that I won, to avoid dependence problems in the future. She hugged me, she kissed me very slowly and I felt her hot sex leaned mine. After all since it is a house and functional furniture what more is necessary? They were the final preparations for our marriage. But surprisingly the time passed with me continued to be a little in comparison with dedicated it to Aurélio.
It was one Friday. Very displeased and with immense unpleasant thoughts, if her fidelity was real or no, because the doubts that assaulted needed me of they be expelled. But if actually we were already husband and woman, because reasons passed most of the time with Aurélio? So together, so leaned, with such loving laughter’s and me lonely to observe them.
Image: Cologne of Angola. Indigenous notebook
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