In the office they informed me that somebody was to my wait, with a letter to surrender arrival of Portugal. With great surprise I saw that it belonged to Neves.
Paris, 5.12.74
My Dear
I had the pleasant surprise today of finding among the diverse documentation that I have been keeping, a paper containing your name and address. You don't imagine how I was happy. Me that so many times have been reminding myself of you and of the good moments that we passed side by side in RTm (Regiment of Transmissions) standing the corporal Silva or having a good time to do paper airplanes.
Because my great friend for here walks since two years ago, height in that, having been mobilized go combat the patriots Guineans, I preferred the exile that go kill and to die in a war that already resembled in the unjust and lost height.
You went and you continue being the only individual of the troop that me more longings left me and practically the only that I remember. I have faith that the already considerable antifascist conscience that you possessed fermented plenty my admiration for you
For all this I write you today. He would like to know that is done of you and see you one day again. I wait because with anxiety the words that you won't stop writing me for right.
A fort hug of Neves.
1 encore, Bed Montmorency PARIS 16eme
After reading Neves' letter I was very thoughtful… so many revolutionaries that walk thereabout and they don't have any document that justifies her fight for a cause that detained her militancy. This letter became a precious document for the history, that in any moment it could be published, but I preferred to keep it in my personal files.
In several places they see each other writings to red the words, MPLA VICTORY OR DEATH, what inconveniences a lot of people. In the suburbs the agitation is intense above all at night. Many European they flee for the city and they settle at friends' house. In the houses the ray-small writes, BUSY MPLA. The robberies and the insecurity increase; they are part of the day by day. The strikes are constant and savages. They increase the expirations anarchy, the cost of living goes up uncontrolled. New strikes are made, the wages arise again and the prices also. The inflation doesn't stop. The companies don't support such state of things and they leave below. The threats are constant: "Settlers! They are going to your earth! We will kill them all! "
For precaution the families escape from Angola, it is just her boss, to see what this will give. Many abandon Angola definitively because conditions don't exist to work. Our boss of the mechanics received a proposal of Volkswagen of Brazil and for there he was.
Image: http://pissarro.home.sapo.pt/memorias23.htm
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