In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2010

To Occident of the Paradise (72). since then they labeled me: "that I was communist", and as such they marginalized me.

The conversations to the table, as they could not leave of being, they were about the situation that lived her. Opinions were changed on one of the many official reports of MPLA that affirmed... "And like this our people continue in the poverty", and that it was necessary to end with the musseques. He defended this position, but with very care, because he took a risk to take a great beating. Since then they labeled me: "that I was communist", and as such they marginalized me. They told me after the Tina began to like of me because it was the only that it defended the blacks. But I didn't pay attention to the comment.
And new messages appeared:
- The Tina likes you a lot, she says that you are very beautiful, you know how to speak well and that you are not a racist.
After the insipidities that I passed, it was not of sloping moment for loving subjects.
And the Tina passed to the attack. In the morning it was the last to leave. While it took the small-lunch, she was in front of me of backs to wash clothes in the tank. With a mini-skirt almost for the middle of the legs, once in a while she bowed so generously that the fabric arose so much that she discovered the nakedness of her behind of attractive and very sensual buttocks. Then she turned and with a roguish smile she seemed to wonder if I liked or not. And the feminine blockade continued daily.

As he stayed unyielding she passed the other tactic. When it served the lunch - there was not dinner - all the other guests had a steak in their plates, I had two. An egg for the other ones, two for me. Two hotdogs, four for me, etc. Some guests pointed the finger for my plate in air of joy. They called the Tina and they asked because only I had the double of the food, and her very serious:
- It doesn't arrive for all!
Of course the guests didn't accept the justification, and to laugh they asked again explanations, and her enigmatic:
- It suited like this, tomorrow it can be any other one… Ah! Don't upset me!
The comments started to be more directs:
- But don't you see that she likes so much of you what to it puts in your plate the double of the food? Because it is knowing that that woman is worth more than thousand white.

In the work place I was surprised with a news. The two administrators had been arrested and taken for the field of the Bullfight. As coordinator of the action groups asked for explanations the some members. And they elucidated me:
- They were arrested because they offered vehicles to UNITA.
I thought about to go to Vila Alice's delegation and to ask for us to loosen them. But I changed of ideas, because certainly it would also be accused of connivance and prisoner. The other day they loosened us. When they arrived looked for me as if I was the author of the feat. The era of the justice of the popular power was in the peak. Summary justice.

However all of the department bosses left forever. Some for Portugal, other for Brazil, South Africa, Rhodesia. The boss of the sales said good-bye with a small assembly and without you eat in the language with Mein Kampf (my fight) of Hitler, very visible and with the fixed glance in me loaded of hate prophesied me:
- I am leaving because of the shit communists. They will be all died. Without the whites they won't manage to do anything. They will die all to the hunger. And the last to leave that it turns off the light.
Terrible prophecy that later would be rendered, but they didn't get to end with the communists.
The one that broke said me invariably more or less the same thing. "That the very false healthy blacks. That the malanjino for drink betrays everything and all. That the best way to work with this people is to give them to understand that he trusts them. That a white to be here only if it goes commanding of MPLA. He meditated and it concluded that these whites are really great racists.

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