But the things for us were not anything well. FNLA came with a great force to destroy Luanda and to kill us to all. We trusted Agostinho Neto so that there was not a great slaughter. After all he was our great Boss.
I approached our situation with Lucas and he told in confidence me:
- Don't worry about that, the Cubans already Benguela arrived and some come to foot.
- But Luís Almeida (director-general of the information) it guaranteed to the international broadcasting stations that we don't have Cuban in Angola.
- Don't link that brute. He knows there what says. Does he look, do you know it what is that to 9th Brigade did when it moved forward for the North?
- Not.
- The time passed steal her cars that found for the road. Those comrades of the 9th brigade are the maximum.
A friend of Lucas approaches and we proceeded to the presentations.
- He looks, this white one is of ours, he treats him well.
Then with a small laughter:
- This is of Malanje. Everything that was white including priests, didn't escape anybody. The malanjinos are terrible.
I swallowed in dry, Lucas continues:
- It is shovel, FAPLAS where the first thing that they do arrive is to drain the whole drink that they find. Shit, but that great drunks. And in Huambo they burned alive catechists with the Bible.
Of facto everything that was Church and priests was to move away. Everything was confiscated them on behalf of the people. They transformed the churches in barracks. I believe that that was to owe to a sentence of Marx. "The religion is the opium of the people." But does it can some people to survive without religion and moral?
The South Africans intend to invade Angola and to drop the power, putting Savimbi in Agostinho Neto's place. But before strong resistance and found difficulties retreat. The victory is celebrated broadly.
Mr Figueira in the height of her shaky one definitive comments on me the South African invasion:
- You are wrong; the Americans ordered them that they retreated. Good, it arrived the hour of my departure. He told the administrator that you are a good staff and he makes a lot of necessary in the company. He told him also for us to caress him. You should be part of the management and to win in agreement with that. These individuals don't have scruples. If he doesn't accomplish he resigns. Do like this. Be never a long time in the same company, it will be like this quickly capable the to manage businesses. And the Tina, do you like her even?
- Yes, I like her a lot.
- Does she attract him sexually?
- Yes.
- Then he will have with a priest and ask him to consider that the children of the Tina are legitimate children... children of that marriage. They know as doing that. If I was younger was still one more times. But no longer I have patience to stand this. Like you it is young, be. I spoke to a brother-in-law that walked in Coimbra to study with Agostinho Neto. He is very influential and any thing that needs, will speak to him. But he has a care mouthful because he likes alcohol a lot. You were made to himself. There he has my home of Portugal to write me… good-bye.
The tears came me to the eyes. He was the only sincere friend that he had. Again it lost one more friend.
Image: http://pissarro.home.sapo.pt/memorias23.htm
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