The other day already they knew, somebody saw. In these things it is difficult to hide. There is always somebody as the mice to watch.
Besides the Portuguese the Tina spoke more two languages, the kimbundu and the umbundu. It alerted me that in the radio MPLA in Portuguese said a thing, and in other kimbundu. And it explained to me:
- In Portuguese they say for the whites be. In kimbundu for us to run with them.
Mr Figueira promoted me to first bookkeeper and I went to manage the area of the rent a cars. They were twelve, and fast I noticed that they stole them pieces. I went to have with the boss of the mechanics and I gave her bill of the occurrence, but him little he could do. The first car that I rented was a couple, two days later shattered it. They married, and after the party with the effects of the alcohol, they left the highway, they entered for a back yard, they collided with a wall. Ribs, legs and broken arms. Bad beginning for the independence. Another car that I rented, the driver proceeded for Malanje in the crooked deal of the diamonds. He didn't have luck, they murdered it. The car when it arrived was full of dry blood and larvae on the whole side. They lacked him several pieces.
As if everything this was not enough, the administrator's son recently near of Mozambique it diffused in any car, and he didn't feel knowledge. I tolerated the sector during some months, until that the Figueira spoke to the administrator and it put her son there. As we didn't have anybody in the administrative services, we were forced to play all of the instruments. Like this, we worked in the invoice, in the bills, in the accounts department, in the mechanography, in the department of staff. It was very heavy but we gave care of the message. Besides these tasks it also distributed work for the components of the action groups. He made this lying with a block of notes. This sometimes lasted to two in the morning. Of course woke up very tired.
Then the trainings came. Agostinho Neto wanted a special force - the ODP-organization of the Popular Defense - for protection of their backs in the day of the independence, and to protect the city of the vandalism. He insisted that if he didn't repeat another Congo.
For several weeks we trained in the field of São Paulo. The preparation was given us by a former-command of the Portuguese Army of which no longer I remember the name... Paulino. Naturally that the trainings were prepared to command. Few days lacked for the great day. It arrived home and water there was not. He slept all dirty, full of powder because of crawling. It was a very preoccupying situation because the lack of water continued. Three days before the great party it pulled down a great shower during the night. We took advantage the water of the rain and we made reservations. We were clear.
We had two collectors whose function was go the customers near and they collect what owed us. They went out in the morning with a collection relationship and they returned before the bolt of the file. They complained that didn't get to collect almost anything, because where she drove was not there anybody. Figueira called the customers, and these said that he didn't appear for there any collector. Of facto the collectors always appeared drunks. The time started to drink at the bars. They stopped respecting the elementary rules of the work.
Image: http://pissarro.home.sapo.pt/memorias23.htm
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