In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2010

To love is to want the memory of the lost time

When the sun of the evening extinguishes one is born other sea. The waves as that they disappear, they hide of our vision, but her sound stays triumphant. He seems to work always in the same way, but no, it is in continuous revolution. The whole Nature changes and we insisted on yours and in our destruction. However, a year end approaches fast and another is commemorated.

We would want that everything and all if and they surrounded us of flowers. And that never their petals withered. With so much noisy and ruinous activity, as it is so difficult to obtain a moment of silence. Because to listen it is more important than to fake speaking. The silence is our best dialogue. Only that nobody wants to manufacture it because there is the refusal of anybody wanting to sell.

So many passed years and no remembered, forever having lost in the mist of the time. As a profusion of youths green leaves that quickly turn pale and they abandon us, they leave our company. To love is to want the memory of the lost time. It is only one love is more valuable than all the others that we sought and we didn't find.

The free hair in the wind wave in the acquired freedom. This is the most elementary true. Just what remains us, we loosen ourselves of our prison and we let to crawl for the free windstorm. Because we shielded ourselves when did we love and didn't we reveal it? Yes! We still didn't free ourselves of that prejudice, because it is still shameful to declare to the four winds that we loved. So many millennia plotted in the verb of the love.

Our monotony is broken once a year. We reflected that we are going aging, while the past increases relentless, our future is shortened. I believe that it is this the sensation of the lost and reminded years of when in time.


quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2010

Luanda, Angola. Journalist, Mr. Armando Chicoka, one more "ready process to condemn"

Our Gbagbos won black wings, formerly they were white, they returned, they revolutionized, they were reinforced blacker sinister. They only know, they impose us the law of Lynch, because not having Blocks that cut them the wings, they are going winning wings, flying, always in the appetite of going beyond, always higher, but they will fall with notable noise.

It is it is done justice on behalf of the petroleum in our eighteen bastilles.
That is to play to the colonialism; it is to wall in lives the upstarts' youth democracy. The power has so many shameless to judge, but he fakes justice judging innocent in ruins the one that calls tribunals, when in the reality they are ruins of the mills of the sugar in the slaves' new gentlemen's hands.
Of facto and of it takes oath, Angola is still for own will, trench strong of the dictatorship in Africa. And everything will end badly because everything began badly.

Always in the stigma of the return at the old good times, in that somebody was arrested because it dressed a nightgown with a drawn eagle, or a simple dollar bank note was enough to accuse and to arrest: internal "agent of the imperialism."
We don't want more those times of Stalin, Pol-Pot, and of the still comrade Kin...
But doesn't the May 27 arrive them?! Didn’t they still lose the thirsty taste for corpses? The example of the one what in the Ivory Coast happens is not you eloquent?

And when the things if they return, of course will return to the opposite, and you will be seating in the bank of the defendants that won't support your weight, just as you do in Mr. Armando Chicoka's hypocritical judgement.
And in of the Ivory Coast it is the continuation of our fight!

Image: my only crime was to believe in the freedom of press and in the preponderance of the public interest on the others… in Namibe the judges are that they order. In

segunda-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2010

Happy birthday

Our life in the world was granted to build us eternally a melody wonderful. However, monsters that destroyed everything that we got up, appeared and nor a love string wants to leave us. Soon, of our future and of the humanity they won't remain more birthdays.

The times change, us no. I believe that we stayed obstinately same.

I believe that we didn't like plants but of the flowers that they give us. It is as the people that we just looked at them externally, but however in her interior they have countless perfumed celestial gardens of intense love, that we still didn't discover.

The fundamental difference that it exists among the human beings is the following: some healthy one very persevering and convicts of their aspirations that drive them for the victory. Others live in the shadow, betraying and destroying the lot of work that the persevering ones do. Her order word is the uselessness.

It is with immense bitterness that I see ours live as a river that dried, to disappear. They want to dry off our desires and to steal us our hope. The one that remains is we reinforce him more and more the love, that invincible weapon that everything expires and it convinces.

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010


That the dream and the perseverance illuminate your mind and your heart.

While we lived there is always the memory that pursues us once a year, it is the happy birthday.

We lived many moments, but there is one that is us wanted always: a happy birthday.

The years add and they proceed and us also. We just remembered that when we do years.

To do years is to age the body and to rejuvenate the mind.

After so many passed years, lived, we reminded the nostalgia of the time foreseeing the future.

sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010

Luanda, Angola. Our Voltaire's Bastille, Mr. William Tonet

(FOLHA 8, is the only Angolan weekly paper that it still remains... free, combatant for the freedom of expression)

The Process to "Ready-to-condemn

Next Monday, December 13, he will have beginning a judgement, that in the reality, they correspond to three processes manufactured to the measure of the regime, he wants to say, of the "ready type to condemn", as they are unhappily almost all of the processes that say respect not only to manifestations of popular against decisions of the Executive or of the National Assembly, or of an any member (tentacle) of the political power, but also the simple way to express her indignation against the same ones. A word harsher, more contusing, arrives to lift the spectrum of the slander and of the treachery.
It will be like this in the judgement behind referred (whose sentence is already cultivated very probably before him to have begun), concerning a complaint introduced against our director Mr. William Tonet by very influential members of the instituted power, although of fleeting passage for the corridors of the State.
They will be three the processes in judgement, moved by the former-boss of State-larger General of the Armed forces (CEMGFAA), Mr. Francisco Pereira Furtado, through the process: 972/08-D; the Procurator of the Military Attorney's office of FAA, Mr. Hélder Pitagroz, process 659/08-D and the famous general, considered by many of their collaborators and family (they know, certainly, that they say), multimillionaire, Boss of the Military House of the Presidency of the Republic and Former-boss of the Cabinet of National Reconstruction, Mr. Manuel Vieira Dias, Kopelipa, process n.º 1449/08-D.
The crimes that our director is accused were of committed facto, if it is that that is crime, in the extent of the freedom of expression and information, in the extent of the attributes that they are privilege of F8, that continues to exercise an unalterable pressure since he not few) for the died government's high employees and of the condemned Executive actual to disappear, not to lose temper the partial and discriminatory form of administration of the public thing and of the autochthonous people.
Lawyer Mr. David Mendes, responsible for the defence he believes to treat of one more cabal of the regime, because the published news don't constitute any defamation slander. The reality is that these generals say to support the democracy but they are not prepared for her exercise", it assured F8, this defence lawyer.
In another dimension he didn't stop referring to the facto of this "attitude to mean, per times, a pressure on the system of the justice, with base in the force, in the sense of this and the tribunals if they subdue to the interests and appetites of the generals instead of the law and of the right. In any way we believed that a nucleus of new judges is more and more committed with the Justice and not with the economic power and intimidator of the considered powerful."
Of recalling that this judgement of Mr. Wlliam Tonet, that will have beginning in the next 13, is one of the almost two hundred that weigh on her person. In her smashing majority all of them were formatted at the workshops of Futungo, (Kremlin in the city of Luanda surroundings) of SINFO (military/secret police) and of other appendixes of the regime and they have for characteristic a clear function and common objectives: to annihilate, to silence, or to put out of the game media effect F8.
Only to give an example, it is of recalling another well educated process for the Public prosecution service that sooner or later will have to pass to the bar of the tribunal.
Those Excellencies, that saw each other armoured for the prestige of the position that they occupy, they moved processes to F8 for that organ of social communication to have unmasked the truth on a case of movement of bottoms in the exterior of the country, namely Portugal and published the barbaric form as the former-president of Guinea-Bissau was murdered, Nino Vieira. Pictures published with the approval of the family of the died, that it doesn't consider an outrage her honour. In fact as later this was verified found of several bottoms, that they were not lost (as the 300 million BNA, (Bank National of Angola) nor discoveries (also as the one of BNA) but that stopped partly uncertain in the uncertain people's pockets and, hateful crime to the eyes of certain sector’s of PGR, (General attorney's office of the Republic) they had also left (as the one of BNA), but very legalism, of the safes of the State, only, for the or their signatories be prominent illustrations of the Executive (the business of Bank BANIF).
With base in this plot the politician, Mr. Fenga Miranda makes the following picture that F8 thanks. "To the subject of your audience on the 13, it lets to presage that the fence crowds together more and more and incredibly all the linked forces the dynamics so much political, as social and associative they continue distracted. Each one thinks that has been roofing of concrete or lead parasol, he wants to say that the neighbour’s fire will never reach her house. The regime or "supposedly", it seems to be to win the battle of the drowsiness and in a calculated way, very veiled and extremely dangerous it will push us for the hole, without the world notices that, because the smile is always present and as everything it is made subtle and sensible, above all the international community interprets as "faits-divers". He is urgent to organize an appeal or a letter to the Nation and the International Community, species petition of associations, intellectuals, academicals, teachers, journalists, on the state actual of the democracy in Angola and the risks of the future."

The director of F8, Mr. William Tonet, was refuted, and when the process ran their procedures was verified that everything that had been revealed corresponded to the reality of the facts. Which something? It was not heard a single protest voice against the defamation woven by PGR, because her complaint had as exclusive objective to dirty the good name of F8.
We will see what she will pass. But a thing is right, F8 won't die. It can go to the rug, as already before it happened. But he will get up. Reinvigorated and it will follow her march heading for a country fairer, less corrupt and discriminatory and with better distribution of the Angolan wealth.

domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010

Faces and faces

That the green force of the vegetation is always with you, and that the sun of your dreams contemplates you. Unhappily the many days bad drag the good ones.

It puts everyday of your dreams in day. He always struggles, above all it avoids that the dictatorships, again democratic, become overcast the mind.

A feminine face, I see him always very attractive as the foam of the sea in the life to jump. Where eye, I want that you also look, I see everything, splendour of green.

sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010

Mr. Justino Pinto de Andrade. BD. Democratic Block of Angola

The Democratic Block promises that everything will do so that the coming times are of Peace, Concordance and Progress, with the contest of all, without exclusions nor discriminations.

Mr. Laurindo Neto. National Alliance of Angola

We went betrayed! What can be summarized, summarized in the process of alienation of the minds, manipulation of the law, of the justice and of the society, outrage to the homeland and widespread corruption without limits, will have to be white in this swinging.

quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010


Anonym said...
Dear Mr. Reginaldo, pay attention to the following and see what can do to denounce in her blog or in another sphere any: the atmosphere in the newspapers recently bought by hand of the State is of cutting to the knife. The censorship makes home. Once the ready newspaper has to be submitted to the shareholders that, for her time, they take the material to a laboratory for us to decide on what owes or it should not be published, and as it should also be.


Critics to the Boss of State are forbidden, even cartoons have been censured. See that a certain newspaper, in the case The Capital, had to lock the edition because of a layer that denounced the murder of an Angolan one perpetrated by Chinese. They had to do, for there of the dead-line, another layer. The atmosphere, in the newsroom, is critical, with the unhappy journalists to threaten, only see, to abandon the newspaper in block. Pay attention: they want to leave in block. And it is what will happen if those attacks to the freedom of press and of expression they subsist.

Image: "of which planet they are?”

FNLA of Angola

It is in this context and at this time historical, that it is exalted strange entities to our liberation process, to the detriment of those that in weapons in the hand, they freed the Country.

sábado, 27 de novembro de 2010

They pass the years and the tactics of the draft doesn't change. SISTEC continues to maintain monopoly of shares of the State

Revelations obtained by F8 in Luanda give bill that Sistec, an Angolan company essentially linked to the branches of the computer science and of the telecommunications; it will be involved in that can be one of the largest frauds financial of business forum known in Angola in the last 22 years.

The facts to that underlying, revealed by an identified source that asked for the anonymity, they appear for a systematic escape to the tax collection, fraudulent obtaining of contracts of supplies and sale done by superior price to the normal. They confirm her such facts, also, they can be seen as a conspiracy against the Angolan people, if he has in bill that the fiscal taxation is the most effective way of social solidarity, instituted by the regime of this Country, where 61 percent of the population lives in state of virtual poverty. The source of F8 affirms that you swindle are them to real source of incomes of SISTEC that, for instance, sale done by superior price to the normal frequently, in the order of 100 percent, the material supplies and equipments to the Angolan Armed forces, FAA.

In 1994, when SISTEC he made money three million of dollars in businesses with FAA, Angolan Armed forces, a supply of radios PRC bought to TransWorld Communications (TWC), for the value of two million dollars, it was collected by the double of her value, it indicated the source. He said that it is this variant of the crooked deal that allows "the emergence of big rich inside of the company" and that it is for this middle that linked individuals to institutions of the State become shareholders of the company. Attributing fraudulent contracts to SISTEC and allowing the values of the supplies to be sale done by superior price to the normal, linked individuals to the State start to have profit sharing of the company. These, the profits, are abundant, according to the source that revealed that in the end of 1994 a group of six titular of seven shares obtained individual incomes gives 500 thousand American dollars.

The informant of F8 affirms that, in 1993, when the company crossed a financial crisis and he didn't have money to pay the customs rights, Mr. Rui Santos, reduced for the half the value of some import invoices. In that way he would declare to the Customs an inferior value to the that should pay in rates and tax’s.

The source points just so an originating from supply the Technique (Far East) Ltd, a firm of Hong-Kong that is property of a Portuguese known by Finance.

The supplier sent two invoices types, being an "invoice" (in) with the true price of the supply, and other "Customes" (C.U.) with a price 40 inferior percent and fictitious alleged.

When declaring to the Customs, Sistec presents the invoice (C.U.), of the which supposedly still deduces 50 percent, and, when fastening the price he makes it with base in the value of the invoice "in" multiplied by 1,7, that it is the value of the rates, taxes and of the freight.

Of that it sorts things out, it esteemed the source, the Customs, Insurance Company, Carriers and the Consumers are deceived.

* In FOLHA 8, September 26, 1997


Luanda. Anonym said...
Dear Mr. Reginaldo, pay attention to the following and see what can do to denounce in her blog or in another sphere any: the atmosphere in the newspapers recently bought by hand of the State is of cutting to the knife. The censorship makes home. Once the ready newspaper has to be submitted to the shareholders that, for her time, they take the material to a laboratory for us to decide on what owes or it should not be published, and as it should also be.


Critics to the Boss of State are forbidden, even cartoons have been censured. See that a certain newspaper, in the case The Capital, had to lock the edition because of a layer that denounced the murder of an Angolan one perpetrated by Chinese. They had to do, for there of the dead-line, another layer. The atmosphere, in the newsroom, is critical, with the unhappy journalists to threaten, only see, to abandon the newspaper in block. Pay attention: they want to leave in block. And it is what will happen if those attacks to the freedom of press and of expression they subsist.

Image: "of which planet they are?”

sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

Weekly paper FOLHA 8 of Angola

An authentic shame and axed to the democratic conquests. The "Freedom died from "death killed" in the continuation of the May 27, 1977. A civil war was proceeded that MPLA insists on pushing to responsibilities exclusively for UNITA, and today, in the middle of a national reconciliation in stocking-paints, the "executive passed the law of the Safety of the State and of Political Parties returning to smile, 35 years later, to the worst system than the Angolan ones knew: THE ONLY PARTY. From now on nobody can speak. And if it goes on the President, then it will be a to be seen prepare you; therefore the chain is the pointed road.

quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010

Mrs. Luizete Araújo. Secretary for the Political and Electoral Subjects of POC´S of Angola

But, we repeated, it would not be good that those laws, those procedures of the government actual, pushed the Angolan ones for the secrecy, when we published to the four winds, are "totally independent, totally free and with that we have the open roads for the construction of a stable and same Angola for all."

Angola today is characterized by the exclusion politics, discrimination, corruption, foreign expression and contempt of the Angolan ones that should constitute the driving force of the Reconstruction… deceiving programs of urban to qualify again that they only have as objective to postpone the citizens' anger… if of facto it was worthwhile even this independence… those that steal million never give the face.

Mr. Marcolino Moco of MPLA of Angola

Today, elapsed 35 years after the Independence, informed of you marked progresses in several domains, propitiated, especially, for 8 years of peace effective, it worries me that a group minority, same using a language that seems to have in bill the lessons of this passed recent, try to impose the institution of practices again no consensual, particularly in the plan of the exercise to can political, in the structuring of the mechanisms of wealth distribution and in the forms of moralization of the society, after so many years of war.

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010

Mr. José Eduardo dos Santos. MPLA of Angola

Thirty five years of freedom constitute a relief mark for all the ones that insisted always in the fight for the conquest and defence of the independence, of the national unit, of the peace, of the social justice, of the democracy, of the humanism, of the human person's dignity, of the transparency, of the good government, of the equality of rights and of opportunities.

domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010

Mr. David Mendes. PP. Political Party Popular of Angola

In the Letter open to the governor the one that had access, PP denounces her collects of million of Kwanzas (currency actual in Angola) effectuate for the authorities near the populations, with promises of concession of earth portions, without the delivery of the same ones proceeded to the moment. "Until today, the government is not capable to say where it is the money defrauded the citizens, nor it is capable to indicate where they are the lotted" lands reads in the letter.

Mr. Isaías Samakuva. UNITA of Angola

The actual President (Mr. José Eduardo dos Santos) it exercises the political power there is more than 30 years, without submitting to the election and to the I control of the sovereign people of Angola. It established an authoritarian regime under an autocratic Constitution that it offends the democracy and it doesn't serve the legitimate aspirations of freedom of the Angolan people.

sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

A barrel of petroleum for the widow Maria do Rosário

Luanda. Radio Ecclésia. Campaign thrown by journalist Jorge Eurico, the Good Samaritan. If until December not to pay the income, Maria do Rosário, is going to the street with their five children because she doesn't have money to pay. Of forty five years of age, she is widow, it blinds there are four years and bearer of AIDS. The insensibility of the prince’s corrupt upstarts that they govern is us terrifying. The death of their subjects cheers them immense because she is her permanent party.
Our petroleum goes far, it crosses our galloping poverty. The more petroleum more hunger, more death, more wealth and corruption to waste.
Of the two million dollars that gave to Benfica of Portugal anything it didn't remain?!

quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Mr. Reginaldo Silva boycotted in TPA (Public Television of Angola)

Lisbon – Mr. Reginaldo Silva, emblematic Angolan journalist recognized by her exemption and frontal manner was white of the censorship of TPA for criticizing procedures of the regime of MPLA, in the program "Week in Sunday Actuality" November 14, 2010. The same as he weekly speaks to the program in reference starred in this edition with a jurist of MPLA, Mr. Norberto Garcia.


For criticizing wrong attitudes of MPLA
Along the program the journalist talked about flaws of the regime of MPLA in relation to the recent process of to be decorated to the nationalists having noticed that any illustration of the opposition with prominence to the historical parties (FNLA and UNITA), they received medals. Mr. Reginaldo Silva observed a visible marginalization in the decorations having mentioned that such attitude anything help in the reconciliation process among the Angolan ones. According to him this would be a great opportunity for MPLA to still win more points close to the international community.

In elapsing of her analysis, the technicians of TPA simulated technical flaw resulting in the cut of the program. (They put excessive publicities). When the program was again to the air, they noticed that the same was still "hot" and they opted to remove the program of the air.

The program "Week in Actuality" passes on Sundays and usually bill with the two permanent guests' presence that they are Mr. Reginaldo Silva and Mr. Ismael Mateus that this week was absent. In the program it is done summarizes him of the week and the presenter requests to the two guests her reading as for the weekly events. There is no information to confirm the "Black out" was resulted of some phone call of the responsible of the regime or he left the journalists' initiative with fears of they suffer reprisals of MPLA.

Recently three leaders of political parties, Mr. Alexandre Sebastião (PADDA), Mr. Sidiangani Mbimbi (PDP-ANA), Mr. Manuel Fernandes (POC) they denounced that TPA did with them a game interview. They were interviewed to speak of the speech on the state of the nation of Angola president Mr. José Eduardo of Santos. The declarations of the same ones won't have been of the pleasure of TPA that decided not to pass the respective interviews in television.

domingo, 14 de novembro de 2010

Mr. David Mendes arrested

Sunday, 14 November 2010 00:26
Luanda - at least ten activists of the popular PP-party were arrested Saturday in the morning for agents of the national police when they proceeded the distribution of you eat, containing the manifesto on one side and for other, a reproduced of a Letter Open correspondent to the governor of the province of Luanda.

* Alexandre Neto, source: VOA CLUB-K.NET

Regime of MPLA arrests opponents

The group that was immediately led to 36th police station in the municipal district of Kilamba Kiaxi, it included lawyer David Mendes that is president of the party.

After hours of detention, Mr. Júlio Leite Velho, an identified official as the commander of the referred Squad went to the group to loosen them without more contemplation.

For the interest that raised the event, requested by us, the commander not only he didn't accept to speak, as he denied that they had been detained people in that police station.

Our report witnessed the moment in that the men were returned the freedom, leaving the police station, policeman's back yard for the exterior of the building.

A little before the looseness we had requested entrance authorization in the chains or equivalent space, without this went accepts for the boss of the Picket that identified for Júlio's name. The same official for us contacted that minutes before he had said to be ignorant of the detainees' presence in the place.

Mr. David Mendes interviewed a little after the looseness said that there are already some weeks that the party develops of the similar activities. The purpose as it was fast, it is to do to know the organization in the society and to bring together with the suffering of the populations. The first of them had room in Lubango, without any incident.

In the action today one of the groups composed of more than 50 people worked in Kimbangu, populous neighbourhood of Palanca, municipal district of Kilamba Kiaxi, the second of Luanda.

In the Letter open to the governor the one that had access, PP denounces her collects near of millions of Kwanzas effectuate for the authorities the populations, with promises of concession of earth portions, without the delivery of the same ones proceeded to the moment.

"Until today, the government is not capable to say where it is the money defrauded the citizens, nor it is capable to indicate where they are the allotment" lands reads in the letter.

"The party is brought together with the people and it urges the government to give in" we were to paraphrase.

The popular party is the first force politics legally constituted to follow the elections of 2008 and it congregates coming militant of other formations, some of the extinct ones for law force, to the they have not gotten minima of 0.5% of requested votes.

PP is according to the manifesto that he made to distribute "... for the pluralism of political currents in her breast, for that, it aspirates a society in that all of the citizens are free from choosing her political ideology without, for such, suffer any discrimination or reprisal in the job, in the teaching, in the institutions public or private."

sábado, 13 de novembro de 2010

Luanda. Last hours. Anti-terror police destroys the street salespersons' goods

Anti-terror police to pursue poor street salespersons?! Sincerely, only in the Nazism. This Angola every time surprises more for the negative. How is it that it will finish this savagery?
Groups of four anti-terror police circulate for the streets of Luanda… and they destroy the street salespersons' goods. Preferably they prefer kicking and to trample on the products that the hungry persons got to sell, since they are completely excluded of the oil goods and diamond… they are not entitled the anything.
That is one more subject for UN to solve. And China, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, José Sócrates and limited-liability society if they pronounce that for the visas support such a terrorist initiative in Angola, according to the habitual speeches of the unhealthy paternalism.

sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010

Nvunda Tonet. INVITATION

Official release of the book "Psychologists, reason and for something? " of authorship by Nvunda Tonet. The work will be presented by António Setas on November 10 at the 15 PM in the auditorium of the University Óscar Ribas – Talatona, Luanda, Angola. Price: 3.000 Kz. Her presence is fundamental. Light a child and stimulate the reading habit. Because we believed that "a country is made with men and books" - Monteiro Lobato

quinta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2010

To dream, our eternal freedom

Our life conception is the dream. After many dreamed years, we felt as a traveller of the future time to look for the nostalgia of the past. We perished, but the dreams no.

And I sleep and agreement for the next nightmare that torments me: the universal pretension of the return to the slavery of the Chinese communist regime. In the bottom, the history of the civilization is always an any emperor to dream in imposing us the nightmare of the dominance in the eternal darkness.

What more I should do for anybody to accept my friendship? Will it be because I can just offer him the integral vision of the content of the world degeneration?

domingo, 31 de outubro de 2010

D. Mateus Feliciano Tomás – Bishop of Namibe, Angola

This blog presents to the family CEAST the deep laments of that, that we will never again see in life. The highways of Angola are without any doubt the worst of the world to travel. Our Bishop was victim of transport accident happened at the place of Chongoroi, for 15:30 in Saturday, October 30, 2010.

sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010

Lost in a dream

Of a thing I acquired the certainty: this time is so unreal, lost in a dream, latent nightmare where I feel as a lost traveller in the time. It costs me to believe in the human being's ferocity, it is without a doubt an unanswerable facto her instinct so destructor. The human being's destiny is the savagery.

I didn't give up, I will never give up my dreams, and they strengthen my soul. They are the hope of my perseverance. To struggle is to dream, it is to love. Without dreams the love would get lost. We were born; we lived in the permanent anguish of finding, and finding him not to lose him.

No, it is not and everything the wind took but, and everything the wind left

In spite of the turbulent nights, I still get to listen their silences

If we had courage of exposing all our intimate thoughts, certainly a social revolution would happen. The habits would never again be the same ones.

sábado, 23 de outubro de 2010

Leaves forgotten in the wind of the Winter

The agitation of the marine waves drags the margins that faint, but they rejuvenate for the incessant time. It is like this the life of everyday and of all of the times.

It rained, the people took refuge, they silenced. The trees, it seems that they bought new garments intensely green. They are of the most pleasant colour than the Nature offers us. It appeased, and the people returned to the noise, to the uproar habitual, infernal, as that seeming that it is just what knows to do.

During all our life we struggled for us not to lose the moments that go by us fast. Later we see with anguish that we didn't get to recover none.
And everything to your circuit contemplates your dream

The Northeast still remembers the beauty of your landscape, and it awaits anxious that you return and again wake up him

I went there in the Northeast and I followed your footprints. He sits down your tender nostalgia, strong desire that you return, because everything is so discontinued, I think without hope. That you return with the candle of your soul and that you illuminate us.

As it is charming your silence, so discloser of the secret of the Egyptian sphinxes.

He enchants me always to wake up for the clarity diurnal and to hear the yokel opera. I get up and I meditate what remains of the green still no destroyed by the democratic real estate speculation.

We insisted on walking of the highway that drives us always to the same destiny, because we still didn't spy, we learned the construction of another road to free us.

Usually before we lie down complained that there left one more day. As if we just lived for that. It seems that we lost the courage to say: so many dreams lived on these lost days and so corrupted.

The more we moved forward in the time heading for the future, more ferocious destructors showed ourselves. I believe that it is this the one that call still civilization. I fear that are to destroy the love definitively.

We dreamed a lot that we flew, what gives us immense pleasure and freedom. But when we woke up verified frustrated that everything didn't pass of one more dream. To the we sleep again, we didn't give up the dream of flying.

domingo, 17 de outubro de 2010

The broadcasting station Mais (?) and the censorship to Rafael Marques

Luanda. Yesterday, October 15, 2010, moved maybe by a mysterious pulse, he gave me to listen to broadcasting station Mais. As the news section of BBC of 09.30 PM was not long, they lacked ten minutes, I awaited.

The newsreader of service of BBC spoke about the President's speech, MR. José Eduardo dos Santos, in her pioneer intervention in the National Assembly, where it lectured on the State of the Nation. I was very surprised; I admit that he didn't want to believe, when the newsreader announces that Rafael Marques will weave comments on the numbers presented by the President.

Suddenly, the emission disappears, maybe for the interference in the frequency of some flying saucer. The inexplicable silence continued. Any commentator appears with a theme to preposterousness to entertain the audience, but of Rafael Marques anything. I think it was abducted for some extraterrestrial.

Nor a word was heard to justify the cut of such inhospitable censorship. This continues to be the democracy of faking. Who was never democratic, for more garments and disguises that it uses, it will never be it. They are not people that govern us, they are gods.
However the progressive forces of Frelimo, Mozambique, want to impose the time of the hulks, the fields of the death of the reeducation.

quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

Desideratum, by Gil Gonçalves

Patricia Martinelli)

You are sad
I don't find more
the silences
of their enigmas
You are of future
You are to navigate
far away from the sea
in the dryness of the time
and of finding
Certainly it desires
medicine for all of the moments
and annual stations
without windstorms
Yours to live it is replete
of seasonal dreams

Everything seems composed and anxious for windstorms, such human storms aggressive, of inhuman. And the love so manufactured, so unusual, so materialized, as the climates, altered. As the inconstant persecution of the thieves in the wounded streets, because no longer more bread exists. All finally walked for the space. And in the nights the human wild animal get off their darkness dens and they come unfastened, they in the illuminated streets for us to rescue what spoiled them. No longer there are cities, now they are bank agencies and mortuaries.

But the youth's whiteness stays unalterable in the delivery, in the charms of the slavery and of the destinies of the love. It is always wait us steep staircases and closed doors in the mystery of the besides the locks. So much invented noise, unusual just so that our hearts faint in the without time of the friendship, such disposable thing. And the human shouting that in the altitude of the amplitude crosses the highest mountains. To do noise is also business.

And so many millions of people that walk seeking don't know the something. It is over there if they are in the exhaustion of the they live for us to consume tons of sedatives. And the children uninterruptedly regret her because their mothers became exhausted indefensible, in the inertia, without they console them.

Our thought is frequently besieged by the message that it is necessary to get something to eat, and we continue the great explosion of the big bang accordingly. We were born of an explosion, then our character aggressive, warlike.

I continue in the incessant search for among countless religions, which it is the one that it serves us, that can feel some usefulness. But I don't feel some difference between them and any dictatorship, but however I am fascinated in the encounter with divine God. Both have the same sinkings and contritions, and the abyss where they intend to behave there is already a lot was dug by the human asperity.

He lets to surround you for the green, he loves the plants intensely, and he offers them your best friendship. He worships the rivers, the seas, the mountains, the eagles, the hawks, and the other families. He lets to caress you for the dew of the evening and of the dawn. He leaves that the rain is slippery for your body; it seats you as rainy cascade to travel the medium furrows of the leaves in apotheosis. If you want to reach the fullness of the freedom, it extends your soul to the splendour of the liberation of your nature and of the Nature.
It is this just the love that still remains you. That your fight is never a lost battle.

segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

The Lost Kingdom

To govern is very easy… it is enough to fake that teaching exists to have an illiterate people and easily submitting to the slavery.

He removed the dust the files in the Torre do Tombo of Lisbon when I came across a surprising manuscript.
King’s João V from Portugal, that reigned from 1706 to 1750, lived luxurious of the ships that arrived and they unloaded gold and Brazilian diamonds. He was the gods' king. It crucified crusaders' hundred and twenty million in the Convento of Mafra. The tithe to the Church of Rome crossed two hundred million. The Aqueduct of the Free Waters?.. Did the people pay. A king that still influences kings presents-day because they copy it, they supplant it. Unsatisfied, King’s João V wanted more wealth, what proves that the more are had more it is wanted, and it ordered the preparations of three ships bound for western Africa, in the drift of the robbery, in the draft of more gold and diamonds.

The equipment of the ships finished that captained for Mr Fuenteovejuna, they had left the wharf in a sedative morning. They used the practice of just the captains to know the destiny of the trip. They arrived at the islands of Cape Verde; they made the Turn to the Square, later they were at the mercy of the good winds steering for south. A lot they navigated and they tacked to the encounter of a great storm that would be said awaited them. The vacancies didn't vacate the ships that of undone agreements lost the desire, the being of good peace. Rain and windstorm intensified that forced the ships release her the hands, and they leave the route as countries badly governed. Inauspicious days was happened to efforts for if they don't move away, for us to continue as lovers, but in vain, the ship captain lost them the figures. The admiral of the sea ocean Fuenteovejuna, was not surprised when it was sailed that he walked to the drift. Just as the men that make war, the sea also gets tired and it appeases. The dance of the visible universe was proceeded and one tired sailor loosened something similar to a scream:
- Earth to the view!
- Praised is Our God Mister! - The captain that increased cried out:
- We will repair the devastation of the storm, to renew the provisions and knowledge where we leaned against.

Exhausted, they lied down in the fine sand of the imaginary paradise. The vegetation more it thickens and the sun broke up with her furnace, what took Fuenteovejuna to prophesy:
- We arrived to the country of the sun!

The kind invitation of the Nature was savoured to beat indolence, but the delight was not been long because of the shadows of the vegetation some dark human beings, covered with chocolates appeared. One stands out, it raises the hand in execution sign and Fuenteovejuna asks him:
- Where are we, who are?
- Watula! (We already arrived) they greeted the native ones in her language.
Fuenteovejuna, to James Cook in Australia, wisely it explains to their men:
- My gentlemen… it seems that we are in the kingdom of Watulas!
He saw the uselessness of her conversation because the native ones didn't understand it. It was sketched, he made an effort and not to care. Suddenly a youth, a nativity of extraordinary beauty that makes a disconcerting statement appears:
- I understand your prose.

Fuenteovejuna looked gluttonous for the youth nativity, as somebody that didn't eat anything there is a long time. He wondered, he admired her, it took off her mentally, and it looked twenty-five years. Colour of clear chocolate, reminded a statue of lost goddess, the to very sought by the Argonaut, a legend of the wonderful charmed islands that no sculptor had still sculpted. As a dream never travelled, found, never revealed. The nude breasts, erect and nipples of maddening any hominidae, suggested that has just docked in the lost paradise. To already cover her the sex she announced, it printed the wonderful invention of the bikini. Fuenteovejuna forgot about God because it felt a chill of terrestrial passion go her by the centre of the body. He snored:
- My name is Fuenteovejuna, as it is that you know my language?
- My name is Kufundisa, (to do justice) and your prose learned in the computers of the Dollars.
- As this kingdom is called and who are the Dollars?
- This kingdom, now calls her Ajimbila, (they are lost) and the Dollars govern us, they oppress us... the Dollars arrived in some special ships here with white people, the one that our people dully call gods and that colluded with the absolute king, Ka Ubu (the eternal) they reduced to zero us the souls. Our children precociously know that the victory of the death is right. We don't have food; we don't have nothing… we are zeros… for us to survive we fled for the jungle. All of the wealth of our kingdom are for the Dollars, for Ka Ubu and her tribe.
- And don't you riot?
- He doesn't give, because Ka Ubu and the Dollars have many guards, a powerful army and many sophisticated weapons. When they pick us, and as we are of the opposition, they make such sorceries that we disappeared and the murderers are never discovered. They also extract a liquid, the one that calls black gold, and it is with him that they move the machines of the Dollars, and of Ka Ubu's tribe. They also extract many diamonds. We are some million and we died from hunger… never endings, condemned to the unfortunate galleys. The one of Ka Ubu are always at parties, and he has some machines that call themselves radios, and they extend us the temptation of the invitations for her alcoholic marathons. On those days we drank a lot and eaten zero. Our people on those days uses the pastime of the spree. The only ones that they struggle to our side, that they support us a lot they are the Eclectic. They have a radio, but it is almost clandestine. They support our ideals of justice and equality for all. They are a true radio of Kalunga. They spread the revolutionary embryo of the evangelisation, the fraternity, the love, and they announce… they shout, they always utter the truth. The atrocities of the Dollars and of Ka Ubu they are denounced opportunely, but they don't leave that the sign of the radio goes very far. When the Eclectic try far away the sign and to pass the right to the information for all, they accuse us of malefaction, they arrest us, they threaten us, and if necessary they free us for the parallel universe of the death. They also negotiate many adventurous foreigners of the worst… malefactors for us to pursue us, they explore us… nor our traditional black-people's hut the one that they call cottages escapes. Ka Ubu loses interest of our lives. We survived diving in the prostitution. Ka Ubu appreciates my beauty a lot, I got to flee her of the harem but at any moment fear to be recaptured… he wants me to be her wife, but no I accept, I don't like him… nobody likes him!

Fuenteovejuna, after hearing everything that beautiful Kufundisa said, kept a deep silent, later he clouded over and it cleared up:
- My spectacular beauty …
- Ah! Thank you very much…
-… Kufundisa, supported you to re-establish the peace, harmony, justice, so that there is not more hunger in this kingdom.
- And how will you make it?
Fuenteovejuna didn't feel well. The sweet disturbed him opened her the soul. Of course had other intentions. After the adventure, if it finished satisfactorily would eat, it would suck the whole body, the beauty of Kufundisa. He decided:
- Do we go parliamentary with the Eclectic, so that they spread to her radio for whole the kingdom, that is the most important… and as for the weapons that use… do you have some idea?
- Yes! I will speak to the dad Akakakula, (to give the first food to a child) he was our king… it continues very kind, our people like him a lot. It was dethroned due to Ka Ubu's ambitions and of their friends Dollars.
- Kufundisa, have to spy the facilities of the Dollars and Ka Ubu. Some men are going with you, later we will idealize an attack plan.
- Yes! I will keep eternal gratitude for everything that you do for our freedom, for our people… but please you don't expose yourself too much!
They looked at each other for a deep moment in the universe of their eyes. They felt the inevitable sorcery that it attracts the two races, the two wonderful colours. The effect of the sorcery was fast, they hugged each other, they kissed each other in an impulse of falls of Kalandula, overpowering of lost desires, to await the promised future, wounded in the anguish of so many waits.

Later, Kufundisa getting confused with the jungle, she met with her father Akakakula, and the boss of the Eclectic, Mutongi (fighter). Akakakula presented Fuenteovejuna some weapons used by Ka Ubu's guards and of the Dollars. However, the spies sent by Fuenteovejuna also if they gathered them and they gave the point of the situation.
After Kufundisa gets to instruct the handling of the weapons properly, and of Mutongi to promise support in her radio with words in code to the resistant ones, he settled that the primordial objectives would be the liquid, call of black gold. Without this liquid, Ka Ubu and the Dollars would cry embittered.

They occurred several attacks with success. Ka Ubu and the Dollars worried, because they saw the immense wealth flee them as sand to the wind. Ka Ubu summoned one of the many viceroys immediately and it demanded him:
- Who don't know is from behind of this?
- No, my king, I don't know!
- That morbidity…
Ka Ubu had to demonstrate her anger, dissatisfaction, and the best for a king is to see the cholera in his face, to scream, and he screamed:
-… her morbid one, it can only be that cursed of Kufundisa, and of her father, that opposition Akakakula.
- Without my doubts king! Mutongi of the Eclectic is to pass a message in the radio of him of Kufundisa… she says that there is a lot of corruption in the kingdom, and that will take the power with the foreigners' help.
- Foreigners!? Who, the Dollars!?
- No my king, they are not Dollars, they are other exchanges.
- Other!?.. Who!?.. Does it confiscate me Kufundisa and her damned father. It is going you and it turns you with her… damned unlucky!

With the aid of the Dollars it was facilitated immense the boss of Ka Ubu's guards to capture the sweet, soft Kufundisa. Already in the presence of the tyranny, the hard life is resounded:
- Already anything I illuminate… because of you damsels whitewash kingdoms, empires… now in my kingdom a revolutionary was born. You and your Toussaint l'Ouverture! I will give you he tortures of the nipples that you will never forget.
- Oh it is! And that torture of the nipples is that?
- Kufundisa, don't omit me, you know that I wish you, that I have all of the women that I want. You are the elect, the privileged, and the princess of my harem! In this kingdom everything and all of the women belong me, and you are not exception!
- No!!! As an ancestor said: until that the lions have their own historians, the hunt histories will continue glorifying the hunter. We are bodies to the wait in your slaughterhouse!
- Guards, remove me of here this tsetse! Prison with her! That the whip she caresses!

In the prison, the enchanters backs of Kufundisa burn with the fire of the whippings. The blood of the injustice drains him because they will always exist many unjust oceans and almost none fair streams. But Kufundisa was very crooked because nor I lament, groan, request of mercy osculate.
However, Fuenteovejuna and their friends become aware of the prison of Kufundisa. The revolt spreads, it reaches the peak. The Eclectic with the help of the popular ones extended the sign of the radio to the whole kingdom, and they denounced that Ka Ubu and their friends Dollars got ready to the surrender. The situation the boss of the Dollars that tried to negotiate with the in revolt ones, but in vain. Ka Ubu, feeling is only scraped for place of uncertainties, for a kingdom friend's habitual exile. A pressure group led by Fuenteovejuna devastates the prison and it frees Kufundisa. The two now lovers take advantage of the situation, they jump she, hug each other, they kiss each other endlessly. Kufundisa is of tracks.
- My love got! Oh! As you love!
- Also me… without your courage nothing of this would be possible!

He recovered Akakakula in the throne. Mutongi king of the Eclectic saw to her radio definitively. Songs, praises and drummed Kalunga were proclaimed, intoned, spiritualized. A time of darkness had finished, and an information for the without voice had resumed. The education, the progress of the kingdom was democratized. Akakakula proclaimed the new kingdom with the name Azériua. (They are happy).

Fuenteovejuna left, he was an adventurer, he left Kufundisa with a son. It went to America tracking Francisco Pizarro, Fernando Cortez, and the elixir of the long life of Ponce of León… where there is El Dorado’s, mysterious cities of the gold, there will be and never of there will they leave.
It didn't delay that they contributed Azériua the ships with the missionaries of the evangelisation, of the sword of the dilapidation Adventurers and gunmen were happened in the tireless search of the question: "where is the gold? " and the native ones answered: "here no, but there a lot, very far he has" Black Africa is, it will be the eternal adventurers' destiny.

Still today in the density of the jungles of the Golf of Guinea, some more-old ones hot of the bonfires in the cold nights, they count the children the legend of the people of Azériua.
To civilize is to destroy with the petroleum of the minorities, most. He only brings us sadness, poverty, hungers.


sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2010

Romeo and Juliet. Based on a true fact

The man that doesn't read good books doesn't have any advantage on those that cannot read them. Mark Twain

They are not the Laws of the Universal Gravitation. It is the universal attraction of two human bodies, that if not being able to places, they stay in the tombs of the totalitarian regimes. The dear guides immortal leads that illuminate the roads of the hunger. There is no conditioned, only gentle conditions for adventurers.

Romeo and Juliet fell in love, they were dated. I don't eat those that date and they do a mere occupation of that for the time pass. They loved each other for besides the winged mountains of their souls. A lot for besides the universal attraction of two terrestrial bodies. Their hearts were abnormal because they were possessed by the high voltage of Tesla, that provoked them loving short circuits. They didn't notice that they built a divine ship, and in her they embarked in a parallel universe, far away from the unalterable human laws.

Romeo, twenty-one years old and Juliet with sixteen were neighbouring, and it has been two years that bloomed in the courtship. Her father didn't know, to know was not able to. They studied, the future prepared. Romeo lived with an uncle that supported him as an immense sea of roses.
They became distracted and Juliet became pregnant. More natural thing us that they love each other. That gives to the other, what receives the consecrated semen, that later it germinates as winning life, in a beautiful one or in a beautiful one, always awaiting the suits and eternal fertile glances of affection, that peep it before and after the brutal contact with the human predators.

They unfastened in her love that already felt maturity. The responsibility that they accepted, in the everyday infidel. Romeo reminded him:
- Darling… I find better undo the pregnancy.
- Yes… I also thought already about that my love!
- You know… some medicines that sell thereabout… I think they are efficient.
- Already volume some… with my friends' help… everything will run well. I wait like this for him!..
- I agree with you. We studied, and at this time we don't have conditions to support a being that will be born, and for which don't have means of sustaining, to feed. It will be one more hungry person. Who will support us? Certainly you will be banished of house. Where? And me? What am in an uncle's house?!.. Will we stop studying. It will be our end… if this kingdom planning a calendar of national consensus… a support program to young like us, that would be very good, as that it doesn't exist, it will never exist... until a nobleman of the real university it almost destroyed it because of a lover. I don't conceive that our teaching can be a deceiving pastime.
- Romeo… I perfectly understand. Your concerns are the eternity of the fortress, of the certainty of our love. In spite of removing the sowing of my womb, that I only swore you to belong, it will continue keen of freedom for in him again you exercise. He plants in this garden of the homelike delicacies, the seed of our universe. You will see the fruits tasty, homelike later that you will fall in the paradise of your hands.

And the life in the laboratory of Juliet expanded, she felt as the fish in the water, it grew, it shuffled, it was reborn. Concerned, but very romanticized, as if of their lips they were born torrents of jasmines, and the perfume incinerated her lover in a lake of tears of pansies.
- Romeo, Benedictine, blessed, blessed love, I don't feel well. I think I am with malaria.
- I will seek help.
- It is not worthwhile. Nobody will help us. We are just young that love each other. Who does worry about that? He thinks about that my tenderness, my pure essence, and everything will be exalted!
- I trust you, in your celestial root, head office of imperial love.

Juliet felt in a confused sea, she didn't run her of feature. As growth of mangroves that oppress, carpet the margin of the marine soul, of the natural protection. The youth of her strengthened body, always appropriate for any to jump obstacle, in tide of roses always taken care, watered, and that in the forgetfulness he dries off, without watering. But that later receives the water of the life. He gets up again and he sings the aria of the Choir of the Fallen ones. He doesn't forget the final representation to the Creator of the love. The flower with and without pain, always feminine, uterine, capable for the fecundation.

Juliet felt her jasmine plant flower jasmine-mango wither. In spite of very perfumed didn't get to shine. She threw the last request of help maybe.
- Please… it takes me for the maternity.
Romeo didn't know as obeying. What to do of the and in the time, what to think. It felt the sun turn off. It was mechanized as fortune-teller in the maybe the hazy lover's last desire.
- It is well… you don't leave the jasmine of our spring of the life to wither.
- Not! Your floral one will never wither. It is rejuvenated… he already rejuvenated the ecology. Always very awake… for you open.

It arrived at the maternity and it was given to the intensive cares. He sighed; it sought the life that lacked him, of the only that he loved her. In the exterior, Romeo awaited impatient. Maybe it went just one more of those gestures, symptoms that usually the women feel during the pregnancy. But the time passed, and you announce them, he felt, they were uncomfortable. It felt a sparkle in the brain. As if somebody was her to send a message. That strange... it was the first time that felt such in her thought. He seemed a nightmare. He woke up startled. He didn't wait, it went up the stairways pushing, not caring with whom he appeared him for the front. He knew where she was. It parked and he asked:
- Juliet…
The doctor's look predicted that the being of having faith if it didn't shape. He felt to move for the glacial time. The physical geography made dizzy him, with their phenomenon physical, biological and humans. The doctor got to discard:
- It died!

Unhappily it is just with this word that the people of everyone, that they work in the areas of health answer. They are too habituated to the death. As if they bought any product in an any supermarket. They savour with the comfortable largest a good savory-snack to the foot of a corpse. To savour the death is her profession. It seems that they lost the feelings. They just seat the people as any object. While they work are serviceable. When they don't serve us, the destiny is the dustbin, the one that calls cemetery. Sad reality and end of perishing.

Romeo disappeared. He stood back of the reality. The loved of her life… without her? Will mistake be? No! He saw, it felt that she said goodbye to the wall of support of the life that collapsed. He didn't breathe. He remembered that when we left the dynasty of the candle relating to experience didn't breathe. He felt the tenuous calls that remained the soul of her love, already in the departure endless.

They dreamed me that he would discover the Road
that everything would be revealed me
lament! I didn't get
I leave you my last sighs
they are going to you. Everything sees so darkness
he seems night. That moonlight, in this so I find strange place!
And however so beautiful. I see somebody very far
that he hurries. He levitates for me
Romeo! I am afraid! Ah!.. you are you!
don't stay. They come my ardour
it welcomes you in my open arms
He still wanted to live a lot
but they didn't leave me
they don't leave anybody to live
It just remains us the sleep, the eternal dream
of our unhappiness.

A tremendous interior fire travelled him the body. The decision of such cruel death to expiate the guilty conscience that felt… the revenge to an inhuman society. A revenge to the world that didn't know how to welcome them. He acquired the certainty that is not fast more to live. But, it was not him that committed the crime. Unhappily in the epidemic kingdom it is prohibited to love. Everything is prohibited. The noblemen have legal authorization, inquisitorial. Just a thing is not prohibited… the death. In the animal kingdom he is permitted everything. To live to steal, to live to die to the hunger.

He diffused in a container. It was in a service fuel and it filled it with gasoline. He entered home usually, nobody suspected of their intentions. He closed in the fourth well locked. It sopped the mattress with gasoline, he lied down and he caught it fire. The fires took care of her body. A family one feels smoke signs. He tries to open the door of the room, it doesn't get. They wore out fifteen minutes to drop the fortification. They took it fast to the hospital. The burns were intense. Difficultly it would escape. Little later it came the end than it remains us. The invitation of the death was assisted. Happy for stealing one younger, it transported him for her eternal abyss. The last moments were a message of hope, for her Juliet. To who loved, as few know how to do. To the largest, purer and only love of her life.

I am about to exhaust
in the fires of the gasoline of this petroleum
In the darkness of the cold public safes
where keeps the fortunes invisible, insensitive
that they lead us to the death
Mine, our clamour won't be vain
somebody will listen, it will fold again this appeal!
In the shadiest night of the times
I will return, and together we will enchant, we will spread
the human perfume, of the humanity of our Love
Oh!.. My love… we will return!
to annihilate the tyrants that extinguished the love
I see forever finally!
your beauty and your love that follow me
Come! For our eternal home!
where doesn't exist nights
just our glorious Love
If fortune didn't have in the earth
the one of the sky will be our treasure
Your silence will be as an encyclopaedia
Ó Glory! Ó Glory! It follows us
she camps us always Love Victorious, Virtuous
I take with me the Ring of Nibelung
Of our love of the powdered gold
of the symbol of the initiation of the mysteries of our cult

Of the marriage that they invented, with the death married us
this connection that never somebody will separate
