This is the time in that the idiots finally got to take the power. They are in everything… and on the whole side. It is only to see what happens in the bank activity. And I believe that they put any thing in the water to turn the docile people, as the lead dogs.
In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.
quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010
To Occident of the Paradise (77). And in Huambo they burned alive catechists with the Bible.
But the things for us were not anything well. FNLA came with a great force to destroy Luanda and to kill us to all. We trusted Agostinho Neto so that there was not a great slaughter. After all he was our great Boss.
I approached our situation with Lucas and he told in confidence me:
- Don't worry about that, the Cubans already Benguela arrived and some come to foot.
- But Luís Almeida (director-general of the information) it guaranteed to the international broadcasting stations that we don't have Cuban in Angola.
- Don't link that brute. He knows there what says. Does he look, do you know it what is that to 9th Brigade did when it moved forward for the North?
- Not.
- The time passed steal her cars that found for the road. Those comrades of the 9th brigade are the maximum.
A friend of Lucas approaches and we proceeded to the presentations.
- He looks, this white one is of ours, he treats him well.
Then with a small laughter:
- This is of Malanje. Everything that was white including priests, didn't escape anybody. The malanjinos are terrible.
I swallowed in dry, Lucas continues:
- It is shovel, FAPLAS where the first thing that they do arrive is to drain the whole drink that they find. Shit, but that great drunks. And in Huambo they burned alive catechists with the Bible.
Of facto everything that was Church and priests was to move away. Everything was confiscated them on behalf of the people. They transformed the churches in barracks. I believe that that was to owe to a sentence of Marx. "The religion is the opium of the people." But does it can some people to survive without religion and moral?
The South Africans intend to invade Angola and to drop the power, putting Savimbi in Agostinho Neto's place. But before strong resistance and found difficulties retreat. The victory is celebrated broadly.
Mr Figueira in the height of her shaky one definitive comments on me the South African invasion:
- You are wrong; the Americans ordered them that they retreated. Good, it arrived the hour of my departure. He told the administrator that you are a good staff and he makes a lot of necessary in the company. He told him also for us to caress him. You should be part of the management and to win in agreement with that. These individuals don't have scruples. If he doesn't accomplish he resigns. Do like this. Be never a long time in the same company, it will be like this quickly capable the to manage businesses. And the Tina, do you like her even?
- Yes, I like her a lot.
- Does she attract him sexually?
- Yes.
- Then he will have with a priest and ask him to consider that the children of the Tina are legitimate children... children of that marriage. They know as doing that. If I was younger was still one more times. But no longer I have patience to stand this. Like you it is young, be. I spoke to a brother-in-law that walked in Coimbra to study with Agostinho Neto. He is very influential and any thing that needs, will speak to him. But he has a care mouthful because he likes alcohol a lot. You were made to himself. There he has my home of Portugal to write me… good-bye.
The tears came me to the eyes. He was the only sincere friend that he had. Again it lost one more friend.
terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010
To Occident of the Paradise (76). You don't go, because the blacks don't like whites and they will kill you.
I put the situation to MR Figueira. As one of their friends left definitively, and her apartment was very located, where it was difficult to steal clothes, me, the Tina and her daughter Dina, house we changed. We were in the fourth floor of a building of five. We found two tables that left, and with two mattresses, blankets and some utensils that we brought, were those just our belongings for the great adventure of our lives that approached.
During the trainings in the field of São Paulo that they finished, a detail woke up me the attention. To see mixed-race was difficult, and the only white, I believe that it was me. They gave us a blue uniform. Lucas offered me a pistol very beautiful Czechoslovakian, but I never shot a shot with her. We were called for the last graduation, in one afternoon where were given us weapons. To proceed we would protect Agostinho Neto in the proclamation of the Independence of Angola.
In the Square May 1 everything was prepared. At midnight of November 11, 1975, Agostinho Neto "before Africa and the World" proclaims the independence of Angola. It was with other friends in the protection of their backs, when everyone begins to shoot for the air. Some shots dangerously made pass over our heads and presidential tribune. We received orders to run with that people. We went in her persecution, them we moved away them and little later everything returned to the normality.
Before, the Tina implored me to cry:
- You don't go, because the blacks don't like whites and they will kill you. That it will belong to me and of Dina. Don't forget that I am pregnant.
After the ceremony we went to Rangel and Sambizanga to verify and to watch if acts of vandalism or anarchical shots existed. There were some, and where appeared went for there, and we imposed respect and order.
However, Lucas insisted on attending and it introduced me a beautiful girl with a provocative mini-skirt that it was dated of Xietu. Then, we went to the Field of the Revolution to attend the great party. An immense crowd danced without stopping to the sound of uninterrupted music. Nobody provoked disturbances. The only disturbance - if we can call like this him - it was the high sound of the music.
About six in the morning I returned near the Tina and of Dina. I found the Tina to cry because of the shooting of the celebration of the independence. She hid under the table of the kitchen, and she regretted for thinking that it would be already dead. She didn't get to sleep to think in what would do alone without me. Therefore it was very happy when I arrived.
The other day I went to work usually. For transport lack I was to foot. For the road I noticed that there was not a single white. Nobody upset me or it insulted. Therefore reasons didn't exist to have fear. It was calm because I never did badly to anybody. If he had it done certainly somebody would worry.
segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2010
New blow (organized Crime in the banks)
Dear Gentlemen: Open the eyes
These thieves are too much every time try to improve more.
Source: email
The attackers are joining with workers of banks and agents of the UNITEL to do the blow. The involved bank workers they investigate companies with frequent movements, they remove the signatures of the bills, as well as number of telephone of confirmation of the risings of companies or individuality.
There it begins the party, the telephone number is past for the employee of UNITEL, that blocks the card for her time and he removes Monday saw of the same card, at this time the bank employee he already made a request of notebooks of checks, later they pass checks in bulky values, on behalf of strange people. When the agency of the bank to call to confirm the values, he assists one of the members of the net being done to pass for subscriber of the bill.
The blow of cancelling the telephone number they do in a period of twenty-four hours. The following day the victim's telephone passes the to work usually what does to think that it was a technical flaw of the UNITEL. At this time UNITEL is with several processes to the backs the they be well educated for the tribunal.
These thieves are to give this blows to several companies and individualities. In the second fair June 14 already one was dismantled net that made the same blow.
Publish this new blow
Cooperate with the police with more information
To Occident of the Paradise (75). Agostinho Neto that intends is to end with the whole Western influence. There will be a great bath of blood here.
When in these circumstances one of them arrived, I asked him he got to collect some thing. The answer was to raise a hand to give me a plated. Faster than he held him in the arm, I looked well at their eyes, and I implied him that if it tried some aggression gesture, one of us would not be alive. He landed the receipts of the collections on top of the secretary, and he left without telling any word. The beginning of a great symphony on the anarchy was to be composed.
Figueira attended the scene. Impassive, dew, let off steam:
- The one that afflicts is me that everyone in this country lost the common sense. The ideologies destroy a nation. He had consideration for Savimbi, it thought he was the only that he had more conciliatory positions - he is very intelligent - but has just destroyed everything, because it freed arrested of common crime in Huambo, and that is incompatible for a man that intends to defend and to impose the justice. This country is lost. Good, I also took the decision of me and my family abandons Angola. But I won't do as all do. I will leave of here calmly after the independence, with the small same suitcase with that here arrived.
- Mr Figueira, and Agostinho Neto?
- Agostinho Neto that intends is to end with the whole Western influence. There will be a great bath of blood here.
Her wife arrived, she heard part of the dialogue and she increased:
- Figueira, our friend Diógenes Boavida is also a great militant...
- He could not leave of the being. All know that I eat lawyer is a nullity. The worst lawyer than it existed in Angola.
However, Lucas is going occurring me the point of the situation:
- He looks, tomorrow Xietu - Boss of the State-larger of FAPLA - it comes here to render a homage to our boss of the mechanics. They are friends of long date, and the boss of the mechanics was militant in the secrecy. It is attentive because I will come personally to Xietu.
He makes a pause and it considers:
The António Jacinto is the minister of the Culture, but as it is white thought it is still early for that. It should be named later. My brother-in-law will be named minister of the Work. As we are friends that is good for us.
In the pension it was the general stampede. Me and the Tina we were alone, but not for a long time. People came is not known from where, that immediately occupied the abandoned facilities. They didn't have coexistence notion, and their habits left a lot to want. They made the meals in any place. Inside or out of house they were pots and dispersed plates on the whole side. The garbage increased. The sewers stopped working because the people threw everything for her interior. The obstructed sewages broke out and a flow of rotten water became habitual company. And they came more people for a space than no longer it supported more nobody. And they tried to invade it all the moment our privacy.
The worst happened when to middle of the night thieves came for us to steal us. The Tina noticed, she left and with a long conversation that maintained with them, they left to laugh.
I spoke to the Tina and she told him that urgently would have to leave this place, because we didn't have any safety. She was opposed arguing that her things that there were yours belongs. But how to remove them if the house was already busy?
sexta-feira, 25 de junho de 2010
Electric terrorism
Luanda. Again the electric power accompanies the total and complete chaos. When this mother of the misfortune fails, he is always to fail, they pull the generators of the idiots of the badly parked invoice of meter to meter.
The atmosphere is poisoned so that it won't be surprised the evacuation of thousands of inhabitants for us to escape to the death for poisoning. For the sponsor's delight MPLA, and of their foreign friends, the such of our GDP that it is always to grow. That curious: the poverty and the hunger also accompany this hallucinating rhythm.
Then, MPLA accomplishes like this main program: to exterminate us.
Image: /
To Occident of the Paradise (74). In Portuguese they say for the whites be. In kimbundu for us to run with them.
The other day already they knew, somebody saw. In these things it is difficult to hide. There is always somebody as the mice to watch.
Besides the Portuguese the Tina spoke more two languages, the kimbundu and the umbundu. It alerted me that in the radio MPLA in Portuguese said a thing, and in other kimbundu. And it explained to me:
- In Portuguese they say for the whites be. In kimbundu for us to run with them.
Mr Figueira promoted me to first bookkeeper and I went to manage the area of the rent a cars. They were twelve, and fast I noticed that they stole them pieces. I went to have with the boss of the mechanics and I gave her bill of the occurrence, but him little he could do. The first car that I rented was a couple, two days later shattered it. They married, and after the party with the effects of the alcohol, they left the highway, they entered for a back yard, they collided with a wall. Ribs, legs and broken arms. Bad beginning for the independence. Another car that I rented, the driver proceeded for Malanje in the crooked deal of the diamonds. He didn't have luck, they murdered it. The car when it arrived was full of dry blood and larvae on the whole side. They lacked him several pieces.
As if everything this was not enough, the administrator's son recently near of Mozambique it diffused in any car, and he didn't feel knowledge. I tolerated the sector during some months, until that the Figueira spoke to the administrator and it put her son there. As we didn't have anybody in the administrative services, we were forced to play all of the instruments. Like this, we worked in the invoice, in the bills, in the accounts department, in the mechanography, in the department of staff. It was very heavy but we gave care of the message. Besides these tasks it also distributed work for the components of the action groups. He made this lying with a block of notes. This sometimes lasted to two in the morning. Of course woke up very tired.
Then the trainings came. Agostinho Neto wanted a special force - the ODP-organization of the Popular Defense - for protection of their backs in the day of the independence, and to protect the city of the vandalism. He insisted that if he didn't repeat another Congo.
For several weeks we trained in the field of São Paulo. The preparation was given us by a former-command of the Portuguese Army of which no longer I remember the name... Paulino. Naturally that the trainings were prepared to command. Few days lacked for the great day. It arrived home and water there was not. He slept all dirty, full of powder because of crawling. It was a very preoccupying situation because the lack of water continued. Three days before the great party it pulled down a great shower during the night. We took advantage the water of the rain and we made reservations. We were clear.
We had two collectors whose function was go the customers near and they collect what owed us. They went out in the morning with a collection relationship and they returned before the bolt of the file. They complained that didn't get to collect almost anything, because where she drove was not there anybody. Figueira called the customers, and these said that he didn't appear for there any collector. Of facto the collectors always appeared drunks. The time started to drink at the bars. They stopped respecting the elementary rules of the work.
quarta-feira, 23 de junho de 2010
Did it burst the bubble in Angola?
There are signs on the part of the private newsstand related with the possibility of we be already before an explosion of the real estate bubble that he was formed at the Angolan market where the construction of the square meter got to cross the 9 thousand dollars.
The problem now is that the promoters that were obligated the banks near are not to get to sell the apartments and the offices at a price that allows to reimburse them their credits. The banks that financed the projects already began to see "squids" as regards to badly stopped credit. Still nobody assumed the explosion, but facto in this height can be said that the banks already stopped financing new projects. In
Image: FOLHA 8
To Occident of the Paradise (73). Under excuse that was of the Jehovah's Witness, they arrested the man for several days.
Without staffs we did what were able to maintain the company. He stayed convict that Agostinho Neto had enough staffs to substitute the lack of the Portuguese. It was just a subject of time.
However they were the personnel's nominated two staffs that they remained for us to drive the mechanics and the office of the workshop. This didn't delay a long time there. Under excuse that was of the Jehovah's Witness, they arrested the man for several days. We believed that would be dead. But he later appeared and it told us that happened:
- During the days that I was arrested he rarely ate or he drank water. They beat me with a cutlass; they left my backs well kneaded.
And he lifted the shirt and it showed the marks of those plated of the cutlass. Easily we discovered the reasons that took to the man's prison. A militant one took possession of her car. Another was with the incomes of the workshop.
Two other workers were also nominated. One for the department of agricultural furniture’s, other for the fuels and lubricants. The pieces of the tractor’s disappeared mysteriously. The fuels and lubricants were stolen to the view of everyone. MPLA had information of these behaviours, and very laughable, as sanction they were later to occupy functions in the Headquarters of Party, alleging that they were not robberies but yes orders of Party, because no longer private property existed and everything was of the people.
Once in a while a close grenade of us fell. Two of them were really inside of our facilities. What to do? As Lenine would say. With UNITA and FNLA out of Luanda, thanks to the support given to MPLA by the Portuguese communists, the date of the independence approached.
The Tina decided to do me a general offensive with all the weapons that it possessed. She called me the alone ones and she lifted the skirt. It showed me her surrounded vagina of full dark and coiled hair that reminded the flowers of the mystery of the mythology Bantu. In the centre, the pronounced furrow and chestnut tree seemed a very tempting Angolan chocolate that it is not savoured, it is eaten.
- Dear, it is not beautiful? Don't you like?!
- Yes, it is very beautiful… it seems a chocolate.
- Soon at night will have at my room... I am to your wait.
I went to have with her as combined. I knocked on the door. She opened her and it was excused:
- He waits for one more mouthfuls. I am to see if I get to fall asleep my daughter. It seems that it is distrusted. When you come the open door is the sign.
I waited and the sign didn't delay, it arrived. I entered and she closed the door. She was just with a transparent short skirt and with the hands put in her sex, but they saw each other clearly some hairy places that it didn't get to hide. We sat down in the bed. It crossed the legs and it was to look me maybe apprehensive of my reaction. I tried to remove her hands of the legs but she didn't accept. I made him pressure to uncross the legs but it resisted. I insisted and she murmured:
- I am with shame.
I tried to move him in the breasts but it refused:
- I don't like that move me in the breasts.
I caught her breasts and I tried to suck the nipples:
- No, no, in the breasts I don't want. He already said. I become very upset when they move me in the breasts.
- Done reason want?
- I don't know how to explain. I never liked that. Don't make noise except her wakes up.
She lied down, she opened the legs in an irrecusably invitation. While we made love, he tried to play her in the breasts. It moved away my hands with force. After the finished loving dream she asked me:
- Did you like?
- I like chocolate a lot.
- And I like milk a lot. You are a jester. You have a lot of chocolate here. He sees there don't destroy if the teeth. Now it is going you although, because if my boss's wife knows won't like.
sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2010
To Occident of the Paradise (72). since then they labeled me: "that I was communist", and as such they marginalized me.
The conversations to the table, as they could not leave of being, they were about the situation that lived her. Opinions were changed on one of the many official reports of MPLA that affirmed... "And like this our people continue in the poverty", and that it was necessary to end with the musseques. He defended this position, but with very care, because he took a risk to take a great beating. Since then they labeled me: "that I was communist", and as such they marginalized me. They told me after the Tina began to like of me because it was the only that it defended the blacks. But I didn't pay attention to the comment.
And new messages appeared:
- The Tina likes you a lot, she says that you are very beautiful, you know how to speak well and that you are not a racist.
After the insipidities that I passed, it was not of sloping moment for loving subjects.
And the Tina passed to the attack. In the morning it was the last to leave. While it took the small-lunch, she was in front of me of backs to wash clothes in the tank. With a mini-skirt almost for the middle of the legs, once in a while she bowed so generously that the fabric arose so much that she discovered the nakedness of her behind of attractive and very sensual buttocks. Then she turned and with a roguish smile she seemed to wonder if I liked or not. And the feminine blockade continued daily.
As he stayed unyielding she passed the other tactic. When it served the lunch - there was not dinner - all the other guests had a steak in their plates, I had two. An egg for the other ones, two for me. Two hotdogs, four for me, etc. Some guests pointed the finger for my plate in air of joy. They called the Tina and they asked because only I had the double of the food, and her very serious:
- It doesn't arrive for all!
Of course the guests didn't accept the justification, and to laugh they asked again explanations, and her enigmatic:
- It suited like this, tomorrow it can be any other one… Ah! Don't upset me!
The comments started to be more directs:
- But don't you see that she likes so much of you what to it puts in your plate the double of the food? Because it is knowing that that woman is worth more than thousand white.
In the work place I was surprised with a news. The two administrators had been arrested and taken for the field of the Bullfight. As coordinator of the action groups asked for explanations the some members. And they elucidated me:
- They were arrested because they offered vehicles to UNITA.
I thought about to go to Vila Alice's delegation and to ask for us to loosen them. But I changed of ideas, because certainly it would also be accused of connivance and prisoner. The other day they loosened us. When they arrived looked for me as if I was the author of the feat. The era of the justice of the popular power was in the peak. Summary justice.
However all of the department bosses left forever. Some for Portugal, other for Brazil, South Africa, Rhodesia. The boss of the sales said good-bye with a small assembly and without you eat in the language with Mein Kampf (my fight) of Hitler, very visible and with the fixed glance in me loaded of hate prophesied me:
- I am leaving because of the shit communists. They will be all died. Without the whites they won't manage to do anything. They will die all to the hunger. And the last to leave that it turns off the light.
Terrible prophecy that later would be rendered, but they didn't get to end with the communists.
The one that broke said me invariably more or less the same thing. "That the very false healthy blacks. That the malanjino for drink betrays everything and all. That the best way to work with this people is to give them to understand that he trusts them. That a white to be here only if it goes commanding of MPLA. He meditated and it concluded that these whites are really great racists.
quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010
To Occident of the Paradise (71). The boss's wife's cousin came to accomplish the military service and as good follower of the colonial flock, he left
The pension was improvised, typically colonial because it existed and he survived of the military and civil waves that populated Angola, it supported fifteen guests. Of property of a couple of Portuguese that they saved it more than possible in the expenses that kept for the definitive return to Portugal. The husband worked as manual in a quarry in Cacuaco, the wife was of the aristocratic class of the domestic vulgarity. He dominated them at all the colonial urban lack of culture. There are already fifty years that the end of the life waived her victorious.
The Tina was the only maid that took care of everything. She made the beds, the meals, the purchases… she was the maid for the whole service. It looked for there twenty-five years. Thin, high, breasts small, natural, sensual. Natural of Kilengues, factory of the more beautiful women Angolan women and maybe of the world. A mwila of the ethnic group lunyaneka, what is the same as to say, very beautiful. She got to go from vacations to Portugal with the bosses, but she admitted that it didn't like the idea. It was in Alentejo, where it scared the children because they never saw a dark person. And they screamed for the mothers: we "saw a devil!".
The boss's wife's cousin came to accomplish the military service and as good follower of the colonial flock he left him a daughter without father that now was three years old. They told him to go for Portugal but she didn't accept due to her nationalism always latent. After educated in the Island of the Priests of Luanda she was absent for her birthplace. Upset and scandalized due to her western religious education, she went out of there with a son that gave under the care of their parents.
She returned because her husband had several women according to the saint's tradition Bantu commandments. She didn't support that life that contradicted Jesus' saints teachings, she walked and it ended for coming to stop to the pension as if it was a monastery. The wage earnings was miserable because the instituted power decreed that the blacks should never ascend besides laundresses, servants without value according to Holy Mother Church precepts: "everything that goes black it is slave of the eternity of the Lord."
Before such low political condition sustained by the religious conspiracy, even so the siblings when they visited stole her that they were able to her.
However, the daughter almost stayed the whole time in the courtyard, caged in a type of big bed. And so that the child became distracted once in a while, I removed it of the cage, but she ran to the mother's encounter that impeded it of working. It was for that that prey stayed without the undertaking of any crime. After all, he is still considered a crime for who is born in this world.
quarta-feira, 9 de junho de 2010
To Occident of the Paradise (70). and I looked at what remained of the house of the people of FNLA. He seemed a coal pit.
I saw the badly stopped case, I feared the worst. But it would not be like this as easy as the crowd he thought. I got ready for the fight beside my friend. Would my life end be like this? Well then, that it went him.
In the last moment he appeared a patrol of the Portuguese military police. We screamed for them. Some entered in the bus; they saw the sad show and the extremists dispersed. The bus continued trip, without more incidents. This left me very shaky. With determination this country is very violent. With incidents like this, it would be impossible a peaceful transition for the independence. But more incidents happened us and in her we survived. I have faith that miraculously.
We were at the movies Tivoli to see a film. The right line was discovered. Somebody threw a grenade in the yard, and the splinters they were projected in several directions. We were close of that area. They were visible the marks of the splinters in the wall close to our chairs. We didn't suffer any damage. However the film continued.
The intention was deliberately to provoke the panic. In another subsequent occasion, in an end in the afternoon, we went to the boarding-house when I heard a sound the one that had become used to already. Suddenly I dragged my friend for the ground. We heard the blow pass over our heads, and in front an explosion in a house. It was a projectile of RPG7. We survived thanks to my instinct.
It also happened in the Avenue of Brazil, when to foot we went to the coffee Palladium. We were close of the house of the people of FNLA. A group of military of MPLA decided to devastate their facilities. With RPG7 and automatic weapons the shooting was so intense, that we just had time for us to take refuge us in the closest door. The buzz of the candies and the blow of the fragments of the mortars were constant. Until it seemed that the shooting was driven for us. They were endless moments. I think we were already wounded, but he didn't see blood leave our bodies. The shooting stopped. Faplas left. I looked once again at our bodies. Without a scratch. I don't know how it was possible. We left our hiding place, and I looked at what remained of the house of the people of FNLA. He seemed a coal pit. Everything darkness and made holes in on the whole side. This house of the people finished their functions ingloriously. The wars are the easiest thing than it exists. It is just enough to carry in a trigger or in a button.
Due to the confrontations, the victims increased as a virus that she went disseminating and for which there was not cure.
We went to the African League where went out a funeral with bodies murdered by white extremists due to the intolerance reigning, the one which no longer he had solution. The destiny was Santana's cemetery. Afraid he said for us to go us away, because the blacks certainly for revenge they would kill us. My friend tranquilized me: "Are you afraid of something? I know them well. They won't make us badly any."
Incorporate in the funereal procession there we went. I admit that it was afraid. We almost arrive her at the cemetery were already thousands of people. And the only whites were us. Did my insecurity increase with fear of at any moment to be stabbed and done shoot for the holes open, and mixed with the coffins who he would give for that? But that great surprise. Nobody mistreated me or it insulted. On the contrary they treated me as brother. Starting from here I felt very confused. After all Black Africa had a lot of surprises. He has just demystified the famous savagery of the Angolan blacks. After all it was a people peaceful, simple and humble. As all of the people just wanted that they left them alone.
Image: headquarters of FNLA.
sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010
To Occident of the Paradise (69). it is not being hit of the houses of the whites that it removes this people of the poverty.
They admitted me that Marta had some faintings in the work place. That if it didn't feel anything well. She and the family went to Portugal, leaving the abandoned house.
However MPLA throws the word of order of the constitution of the popular power. All want to have car, and they be rich with the spoils: "We have to steal everything to the settlers because the one that they have is ours. They already explored us a lot. Now who orders are us."
The doors and windows of the houses, the gates, are started for us to make bonfires and to cook. Chickens and pigs live together with the people inside the houses. In a few days they present such aspect of abandonment as if there nobody didn't live. In the buildings the panels with the bell buttons and mailboxes he vandalizes. Inside the stairways the switches are also vandalizes to do business. The Figueira fans the head so before picture Dantesque, so primitive: “It is not being hit of the houses of the whites that it removes this people of the poverty."
Who doesn't treat the one of FNLA and the one of UNITA for siblings, and the one of MPLA for comrades, he becomes suspect of belonging to the contrary side. They take a risk the they be arrested, died, whipped or they take a brutal beating.
For the whole Luanda the noise there was been of hammering. They are the Europeans that prepare their boxes for in them to put yours have, and later to transport them to Porto of Luanda and to embark them heading for Portugal.
Lucas, a political ex-arrested of São Nicolau arrime, free. Figueira makes the presentations. It was used when it was arrested. In the first dialogue that we maintained I noticed that before speaking, he was careful and he chose the words before answering. I noticed that he had a culture something solid. Our dialogues started to be constant. We spoke - as it is natural - of the Portuguese and Angolan revolution that it seemed a copy of the French Revolution. The certain height told in confidence me that white progressive like me they were necessary for MPLA, and that in political prisoner's quality would be easy my entrance in the movement. It was necessary - it accentuated - that existed action groups and I would be the coordinator. It would be formed a committee of place action to control everything and all.
After the events with Marta went to stop it a pension in Maianga, through a friend of my friend treasurer, where that friend was also accommodated. He was alone like me. We passed to walk always together. After the service and an end-of-week we frequented the coffee Paladium in the Avenue of the Combatants. It was natural of Angola, and he admitted me very convict: "Happen what wants that it is, we will never abandon MPLA."
He was very informed. It prevented me to be careful with FNLA because they walked some vehicles Mercedes in pursuit of the whites. Who had hair and big beard like me, they connoted him as commander of MPLA. Kidnapped and later executed briefly and the abandoned body in any side.
It took me in the bus for the neighbourhood of the head to visit an uncle, that wanted to speak with him before leaving. Ready to arrive the bus is forced to stop for a crowd of white. They invade him and with clubs they beat in the blacks. My friend gets up, I accompany him, and he screams them: "Leave us alone. You leave although and later we that were are that will stand them and to suffer the consequences."
The crowd hesitated, but one of them that he seemed to be the boss insulted us: "After all they are you that destroy this shit. White children of the prostitute that defend the blacks. They will also take, children of the prostitute! "
Imagem: Luanda, Neighborhood Prenda
quinta-feira, 3 de junho de 2010
To Occident of the Paradise (68). Settlers! They are going to your earth! We will kill them all!
In the office they informed me that somebody was to my wait, with a letter to surrender arrival of Portugal. With great surprise I saw that it belonged to Neves.
Paris, 5.12.74
My Dear
I had the pleasant surprise today of finding among the diverse documentation that I have been keeping, a paper containing your name and address. You don't imagine how I was happy. Me that so many times have been reminding myself of you and of the good moments that we passed side by side in RTm (Regiment of Transmissions) standing the corporal Silva or having a good time to do paper airplanes.
Because my great friend for here walks since two years ago, height in that, having been mobilized go combat the patriots Guineans, I preferred the exile that go kill and to die in a war that already resembled in the unjust and lost height.
You went and you continue being the only individual of the troop that me more longings left me and practically the only that I remember. I have faith that the already considerable antifascist conscience that you possessed fermented plenty my admiration for you
For all this I write you today. He would like to know that is done of you and see you one day again. I wait because with anxiety the words that you won't stop writing me for right.
A fort hug of Neves.
1 encore, Bed Montmorency PARIS 16eme
After reading Neves' letter I was very thoughtful… so many revolutionaries that walk thereabout and they don't have any document that justifies her fight for a cause that detained her militancy. This letter became a precious document for the history, that in any moment it could be published, but I preferred to keep it in my personal files.
In several places they see each other writings to red the words, MPLA VICTORY OR DEATH, what inconveniences a lot of people. In the suburbs the agitation is intense above all at night. Many European they flee for the city and they settle at friends' house. In the houses the ray-small writes, BUSY MPLA. The robberies and the insecurity increase; they are part of the day by day. The strikes are constant and savages. They increase the expirations anarchy, the cost of living goes up uncontrolled. New strikes are made, the wages arise again and the prices also. The inflation doesn't stop. The companies don't support such state of things and they leave below. The threats are constant: "Settlers! They are going to your earth! We will kill them all! "
For precaution the families escape from Angola, it is just her boss, to see what this will give. Many abandon Angola definitively because conditions don't exist to work. Our boss of the mechanics received a proposal of Volkswagen of Brazil and for there he was.
quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010
To Occident of the Paradise (67). And to order for the nettles the wealth and the goods that she provides.
I went to a bar in the proximities. There was shrimp big, fresh, and appetizing. I ate several doses and I drank great amount of beer. I paid the bill, I got up and I noticed that the drink got mixed up the walk. I let to cross me for the alcohol. I pointed the direction home. It was already night. The first thing that I did was to seek Marta. The Grandfather told me that it was at the room with Aurélio. I tried to see for the windows that she happened in the interior but I didn't get. The light was lit. I tried to hear what spoke but in vain. I tried quietly to open the door but it was closed to the key. I believe that my brain lost control. I knocked slightly twice on the door and I didn't obtain answer. The beats of my heart were so strong, so uncontrolled that I felt to lose mine control emotional. I knocked with force on the door. My breathing was deep, very agitated. Marta opened and for my fright she asked:
- The one what do you want?!
I was without words to answer. Everything waited less that. She looked inside and she almost screamed:
- Aurélio, only one moment!
His hair was combed impeccable. In the lips some were noticed fail of lipstick. A part of the skirt was crumpled and she let to see a little of the thigh. Contrarily to the habitual it was without glasses.
- Marta… because you didn't open me the door? What were there to do with Aurélio?
It went to the kitchen and it dressed a gown that covered him almost the whole body.
- It was to talk!
- Only conversations with him and with me not?
It turned my backs with contempt and it went to the kitchen to wash plates. I caught her in the gown and I pulled her so that it was in front of me. She made resistance to free, but before my opposition, I still increased more the force and great part of the buttons jumped. She complained with low voice:
- If now you do me this, that it will be after we marry.
I was in silence to look her. Then I abandoned her and I went again to the bar. Aurélio was there, I approached him and I promised him:
- Aurélio, I will break the face.
He didn't tie me and past some moments he left.
Aurélio returned in her mother's company. She was to await in the car. He told me that she wanted to speak with me. He had him a lot of consideration and due to that it assents and I went to her encounter. We went home. I heard a great lesson of moral. I didn't get to reply because I understood that Aurélio manoeuvred everything her contentment. The reality was very different and I preferred to keep silence, that to cause a great displeasure to a senior person, and with problems of high blood pressure, that she frequently complained about lack of air. I decided the other day to abandon the home forever, and to order for the nettles the wealth and the goods that she provides.
Image: School Salvador Correia in Luanda
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