The darkness are saturated. The one that was left of the being. The savagery prevails, cold, insensitive, fortified.
I don't know because it is long the hour of they order their souls to the International Penal Tribunal IPT, for the violations, pillages and concentration camps for what was already population.
Luanda. Map of the demolitions of the electric power
March 2010
31March10 of the 06.56 at 16.50 o'clock. 30Mar 11.02-21.45. 29Mar 15.28-16.05. 27Mar 18.57-23.50. 26Mar 12.26-13.14, 14.03-15.58, 18.13-23.50. 25Mar 21.14-01.34 of the 26Mar. 24Mar 09.20-10.08 of the 25Mar. 23Mar 12.39-12.44. 22Mar 00.30-05.00,17.30-18.44. 21Mar 05.34-15.22. 19Mar 19.06-21.58.17Mar 02.25 - 02.52.16Mar 10.45-14.51, 19.31 to the 19.40.15Mar 01.30-05.30. 13Mar 18.47-22.25. 06Mar 10.21-16.48. 03Mar 11.35-13.40. 01Mar 14.00-16.52.
These interruptions of electric power are not discounted.
Also for two weeks they left us with the tension among 110 to 170 volts, due to the works of the Portuguese devastating company TEIXEIRA DUARTE SÁ.
Image: announcement of ours supplies of the Darkness, in 17 of November 2009. «New headquarters of energy generate energy without cuts. »
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