Chattering of the birds before the storms, and later the smell of the humidity of the bushes will never forget. The deads that were will be reborn with our presence in the yellow of finishing of the days. They will be happy with the smell of the earth, before and after the sorcery sent by the storm that does of the day night.
The storms when they appeared put fear. Suddenly the sky darkened, a great windstorm appeared, and more than in one occasion we had to hang us in the supports of the ceiling of foils, or else they would fly with the force of the wind. After this the captain Valadas in got that metallic structures were installed in our barracks, of those modern ones. Our comfort got better. It also ordered that we created flanked division into streets of stones and that if they watered with whitewash. Second lieutenant Lopes commented on that our captain was for mistake here put, that it would be better it uses in an engineering company.
We received a driven message the all from the companies that he left us stupefies. A major of the DBI-Division Base of Intendancy, they pursued him accused bulky deviations, and who had knowledge of his existence to stop him immediately. And that the last time had been seen in Henrique of Carvalho (today Saurimo).
Second lieutenant Lopes explained to us that it was due to that that the cigarettes, the beer and other products began to become rare among us. I commented on, according to the trilogy of the work of Hans Helmut Kirst that I read, that when the Germans were in front Russian, a German lieutenant of the logistics got to negotiate caviar and other products, and like this to offer a banquet to the German officials in the middle of the battle front. Lopes increased:
- All of the wars are to negotiate; on the whole side opportunists that enrich at the expense of the troops exist.
He finished with other episode:
- A sergeant of DBI was surprised in the back yard of his house in Luanda, with great amounts of cod buried.
Of course with these episodes our revolt and dissatisfaction increased. The comments didn't cease:
- We here suffer her and the chicos (the ones that followed the military career) enrich her to our cost. They can be with our part of Angola because we don't want her.
He had some Marxist books. One of them was the Capital and other works of Marx and Engels. I put them in the shelf of our position of radio. They were not there a long time. Valadas in appeared him frequently, it observed the atmosphere, and he gave in the rigorous orders that he didn't want anybody strange in our atmosphere. That caused in the immense upset with any that went, as it is evident. It was maintained the secrecy of the communications. But as soon as he saw the titles of the books in the shelf, he asked of who were.
I answered that they belonged me. Simply without any explanations removed them and it took them. He noticed me that this literature type in his company was prohibited. This later was very commented on. The second lieutenants and noncommissioned officers when they became aware were apprehensive. Due to this facto and other silliness, the relationship with Valadas in cooled him.
Image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kapital_titel_bd1.png
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