Concentration camp. "Enclosed place where people are taken against her will, for governments order, military commands etc., in war period or no, under the excuse of they be noxious individuals to the society, enemies in potential, or any other reason that is to justify the suppression of her freedom." in Dictionary electronic Houaiss of the Portuguese language 3.0.
It is a subject of History to remind that, when the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces (United States, United Kingdom, France, etc.), General Dwight D. Eisenhower found the victims of the concentration camps, it ordered that it was made the largest possible number of pictures, and he did with that the Germans of the neighbouring cities were guided even to those fields and even they buried the dead.
And the reason, he explained like this: "That the maximum of documentation is had - they make films - they record testimonies - because, in some moment along the history, some idiot will rise and he will say that this never happened.”Everything that is necessary for the victory of the evil, is that the men of well anything do". (Edmund Burke)
In Angola, and especially in Luanda, he already got lost the bill of the deportees. Who is in the supreme command of the operations of these concentration camps, they are corsairs and filibusters Portuguese, Brazilian and Chinese.
And the Puto (Portugal) continues with the exports in wide climbs for the still colony of Angola.
Images: http://angolaecoisalinda.blogspot.com/2008/10/residencial-swing-isabel-picture-luanda.html
Despair: Victim of forced homelessness in Cambamba I area, municipal district of Kilamba Kiaxi. http://www.angolaresistente.net /
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