(For something to insist on calling him country electric power is not had?)
The streets that surrounded the battalion were of beaten earth. The powder was so much that to walk he became stormy. He arrived to thirty centimetres of height. We were with the body as if we had taken a powder a shower. I felt very relieved when the captain ordered that we returned. With determination this place was not homelike.
It continued with my operational escapes to take pictures. I saw holes of left elephants when they walked in the muddy earth. The bad luck would be to put a foot in an of them and certainly he would go out with a broken leg.
The certain height appeared panic among us because somebody stepped a great serpent, what originated a great rush. Nobody got hurt. The tsetse fly pursued us. They didn't make any noise. Only if it felt itch, that made a protuberance in the skin when scratching. Happily we didn't have any case of infection.
When a storm appeared, no matter how much we did, our tents were flooded, or they were devastated by the overpowering force of the windstorm. And it happened that the rays were so intense, that we had to release our weapons for us not to be electrocuted.
In another operational escape in that no longer we had water to drink; I discovered among four trees a reservoir done with their roots. I took advantage and I put some in the canteen, disinfecting her with several tablets. In another height, also without water, we discovered a small filthy lake. We tried to take advantage the part that seemed cleaner; we filled the canteens, we disinfected and burrow to drink.
Or when in a tillage abandoned we found that they seemed oranges. I pulled some and with the bush knife I removed the peel. It would be great well, to kill the thirst with such a delicacy. But which something… they were lemons. But even so, they served marvellously to kill the thirst.
He didn't like chicken. When they served this food said that I starved. That they never saw nobody not to like chicken. The subject was very simple, I think. When he was child, in Tramagal he hears a great shower that dragged hundreds of chickens. I saw them in decomposition with the larvae finish her their cadaverous remains. Since then I never again got to eat everything to go birds. I sometimes tried to win this embarrassment, but without success, because it always caused me vomit. The noncommissioned officer goods, when he noticed the situation instructed for they make me other food, that it usually consisted of French fries with steak.
However our fear appeared… the rice with hotdogs. The one that got cooked other food. There were little stoves to petroleum spread by the whole company. Of course we also had ours. Once in a while we made some properly delicacies watered with beer. But the rice with hotdogs continued. Then we knew the reason. MVL that transported the goods was kept in Freitas Mornas, due to the intense rains. One week already past was had and we didn't know when it would be her arrival.
Image: courtesy of the noncommissioned officer Luis Filipe
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