A sergeant gathered a group of volunteers to hunt pacaças (donkeys of the bush). I offered and there we went. We arrived to a place where they habitually grazed on. The sergeant informed us solemnly that nobody would give shot with G3, because he had an appropriate hunting gun. A silly one disobeyed to the order, and when he saw a pacaça gave him shots with G3. Result… the wounded animal invested suddenly as wanting to sweep everything to her front. When I noticed the danger and of the noise that the animal did, therefore that the ground shook, for instinct I put myself behind the trunk of a tree, and I saw it pass in a lunatic would run. But the sergeant was attentive more ahead, and with well-aimed shots of his hunting gun it ended for abating her. To dinner we had pacaça steaks with rice, and we gave thanks to God for such good food.
MVL continued kept. The very loaded civil vehicles advanced a little and later they buried again. The messages that we received said that the berliet, with the all facing steering gear the left slid for the right, as if the ground was flooded of butter. Until that such imbroglio arrived to the knowledge of the Commander-boss of the Military Area of Angola. The orders that he gave were that MVL should move forward immediately. They were sent helicopters with personnel of the engineering, and the column moved forward and it arrived to her destiny. For great evils, great medicines.
For the last time I accompanied one of our platoons in one more patrol as war photographer. Few times we carried the eraser mattress, because in progression he becomes very heavy. As bed used a tent cloth that we extended in the ground. In the soil they were plentiful sharp stones that they caused us pain, and that they just let to fall asleep a little. For bad luck a shower fell to middle of the night. The punches a little were to take shelter. When it broke the day were flooded, and without sleeping we seemed uncontrolled automations.
The company that allowed to do this martyrdom arrived, but it was just a rotation. They were, and we went bound for Quixico. A year of isolation in the bush affects any one.
Roads don't exist for the peace. The peace is the road. (Mahatma Gandhi. (Great Soul).
And CCAV 3418 continued her odyssey. The main characteristic of Quixico, was a great coffee plantation. I began to end that all of the located places in the North of Angola had her origin in great farms of coffee plants. He also knew that this whole great area had the name of Dembos.
A curious detail was that just the communications located in a small hill. We had facilities only for us. Unlike Quibala of the North, when we were of service at night, in the daytime we didn't get to sleep, because in the barracks they made so much noise that was largely due to that the alteration of our nervous system.
All of the facilities in that now found belonged us to a great farmer. In front of the communications he extended a prick in line recta. It was the main road of entrance and exit. More in front, on the right side, they were the facilities of our bosses, separate from the remaining personal. They were two grocery stores of coffee improvised for the effect. In front, to the bottom, they perfectly stood out great fields for drying of the coffee. Moved away, in an isolated place, it stood out an aviation track. There were civil of the Provincial OPVDCA-Organization of Volunteers of the Civil Defence of Angola that protected the facilities and the workers of the farm.
Our mission consisted of protecting an engineering platoon, that he opened a great prick in direction Salazar (today Ndalatando). They Left in the morning, they worked in the to thin the bush, later they levelled the soil and they passed him with the cylinder. They were properly leaning for the JAEA-Junta Autonomic, of Highways of Angola, with civil personnel. At the end of the day they sent a message with the position, such km.
Image: courtesy of the noncommissioned officer, Luís Filipe
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