In one morning four helicopters appeared Alouette III and another armed with cannon with effective’s parachutists and commands. It was treated of a great operation of combined forces, similar of annihilating the guerrilla's strongholds that obstinately insisted on occupying positions before lost.
The subsequent reports spoke that the famous commander Enfeso, of FNLA, being pursued did a manoeuvre of amusement. He and their men proceeded for a road, the loaders for other, leaving people back to occupy her Portuguese forces. When they gave for the fraud already Enfeso went far.
Our service commission reached the end. The months passed, and the company that would substitute delayed us to arrive. This was due to the youths' deficit for us to enter in the army. The noises were constant, that next month, in the such day we would be subdued. Apprehensive through the time to lose. He would go out the troop with twenty-five years, already old. For the visas he would have to resume my life of the zero, resigned with the sadness of the wait, without knowing when it would finish this torment. That next month there was the certainty confirmed that we would leave. This time was true. Finally the surrender came.
We were already in Grafanil to await embarkment. We would go in the airplane of the Military Aerial TAM-transports. However, my father indicated me a family becomes friends in Luanda to pass there some days. It was in the quarter Salazar, also known by the border of Golf. It was a spacious housing with a terrace to match. Property of a couple with a son and a brother of the husband, a cousin and a senior - the Grandfather - the wife's father. They were very good people, because in the initial and subsequent relationship I never saw them any symptom of cruelty. He lived as fish in the water. They besieged me constantly, if it lacked me this or that, if he wanted more of this or of that. After the time and vicissitudes because I passed, he felt in the paradise.
In the reality it was still traumatized myself by the symptoms of the war. He wanted to be alone, and he avoided to speak with whom wants that it went. In spite of everything he made a great effort to maintain a conversation, and smile with difficulty awaiting that the conversation finished quickly. To break the monotony - among critics that he didn't leave house - the owner's of the house brother invited me to attend her a living room soccer game, in a field that located to three distance streets.
He pretended to be interested party for the dispute of the ball. The certain height a detail called me the attention. A black youth leaves the benches and he runs over everything and all. I imagined him as an enemy, apprehensive I dramatized:
- He looks, that there, they will give him in the face.
- Reason?
- In the way that he treats the people, I think won't leave of here alive.
- Are you a racist?
- No, but I think it is bad such education, that one should get the attention to the youth.
- Here nobody league to that, we are habituated, in Portugal it is everything different. We have a more open coexistence. Even in the sexual aspect, almost that we don't have taboos.
I was to meditate and I ended:
- This society should be very violent.
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