In his cabinet, second lieutenant Santos, that was the second commander, when if it gathered no longer he spoke, he screamed, to the point of we get to think that at any moment Fenced in would be it attacked or depressed. Our captain began a whiskey cycle. Concerned, we attended their frequent incursions wherever it went. It picked on all for everything and for anything. He became so unpleasant, that when somebody informed that he came the road, everything fled. Before this I had an idea. I pulled a band leaf drawn in that the hero screamed: "He comes the Indians there!!!”
As the three exclamation marks reminded captain's gallons, underlined them properly, and I glued the leaf in the position of radio. Fenced in him when he entered with the hangover of the glass in the head saw the caricature and it shot:
- Great shits, remove me already this shit of here!
As it was me that it was of service, and after the incident of the books I thought that this time would not escape. But it didn't happen me anything. The noncommissioned officer Moreira advised me to avoid provocations, because the man didn't walk good of the head. Besides already he had problems with the liver, and once in a while it went to Luanda in treatment. Our commander, definitively it was arranged due to the successive service commissions. It was in the state the one that called drizzle.
The corporal Pereira was my friend. As I was the substitute of the noncommissioned officer Moreira, he was in the right of also to give orders, what was incorrect. He felt very constrained and frustrated. All of the orders that he gave him, despised them, it didn't accomplish them. It arrived to the point of returning all against me. When I noticed that, he already had a very unpleasant atmosphere to my turn that it would last to the end of the service commission. In spite of her position, it was mediocre in everything that did. I didn't get to understand how it got the specialty. Only probably with wedge, which the friends commented on secretly. This man would be my daily hell to the end of the demobilization.
Moreira instructed me and he allowed me the Permanent NEPs-Norms of Execution, that they explained in full detail how to manage the communications. I went proceeding in agreement with their precepts. One of the most important aspects was the batteries that fed our radio fasten RACAL, and the other movable radios also of the same mark. This was due to the military cooperation of Portugal with to South Africa. I explained to all that when the work battery - that was very heavy, they were necessary two people for to transport - and that when it was at least of load, they substitute it for the another that was always to carry in the respective loader, PROTRON.
Of this it depended our survival, because without communications that it would belong to us? Before this, Pereira decided exactly the opposite. When it was of service, it put the paved feet on top of the battery. Loaded of garbage and powder became dangerous, because it could explode at any moment due to a short circuit. And for heap, when it finished the service left the battery almost without load, the dish dirties remains of food, garbage on the whole side. Who wants that it cleans. The friends called me the attention. I spoke to him but in vain.
Image: Racal TR-28 was a miraculous apparel, that it saved a lot of lives.
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