Suddenly, over us, we heard the noise of an airplane that flew in circles the low altitude. It was an airplane DO27, (Dornier). We felt some fear because we didn't know about her presence. He arose very high, and suddenly in fall free vein in our direction. Some fled in panic. It stabilized and it executed several acrobatics. A worthy show of being seen. I took several pictures. I thought that they sent it for the command to become distracted, but not. After covering with earth, it arrived close of us the man that her - he was an official pilot - and he hugged lengthy a noncommissioned officer of our company, Sanches, that awaited him. Sanches was family of the Commander-boss of the Military Area of Angola. They were long about half hour to talk, later the aviator left. He did more some acrobatics and in the end it fanned the wings in farewell sign. He had come here on purpose to greet her friend.
The prick that the engineering opened already went distant. To accompany them the step, we had to leave this place and to set up a camp of tents more ahead. Before the departure I removed some pictures of the berries of the coffee plants, that they were very beautiful, with a very provocative colour.
Again to prepare the luggage’s for one more trip. The engineering had mixture an earth place, properly even, and to her turn an earth wall that served us of protection got up.
We took a shower in suspended watering cans of a structure of improvised wood. The water was carried to it frustrates of a tanker track.
The powder was unbearable and it penetrated it all the moment for the openings of the tents. When the bread was not protected, it seemed that it had been cooked with powder. The ants didn't forgive, and everything that was food disappeared. We had to put a plate with water, and in the middle a container, where on top of this we put the surpluses of the meals, that later took advantage while we awaited for the ranch.
Seating in my bed, all of the free moments he dedicated them to the reading. He stopped to rest when the pains attacked my backs due to so unpleasant position. I never read as much as on these months. The frequent dislocations to and fro began to get tired. No longer it undid the luggage, it just removed what needed, and later when of new shaky, it arranged everything in the same ranch.
Again of departure for new camp, because the engineering already went beyond. Then our mission would finish. They had passed her several months, and the time of our commission almost reached the end. The odyssey of CCAV 3418 continued for the final destiny, Balacende.
We lived in a world where we needed to hide to do love! While the violence is practiced in the middle of the light of the day. John Lennon
Image: DO27 http://www.bush-planes.com/images/TopDornierRight.jpg
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