He resembled that momentarily the storms ceased. I, felt like this her, it was a desire. Will it be that the isolation nights had darkened forever? Did the love return? Would she be the wind of the pine trees of my childhood? The wind of the deep night, that instinctively did to approximate our bodies, in a delicious surrounded happiness of pine trees. Then, the pine trees, disappeared in the sky. And the night was very dark. As an abandoned piano.
The cousin that inhabited at the house called herself Marta. She had the short hair to the beginning of the neck. Very clear, small and deep eyes. Lips small, sensual. Chin lightly raised. Small breasts that if it was not the bra would pass unnoticed. Thin and of medium stature, with the legs lightly arched. Her look was hard, sad, but she made an effort in presenting a smile.
In an end in the afternoon was at the terrace to hear music, enjoy shrimp and beer. The heat inconvenienced, but the freshness of the shadow was very homelike. Marta approached and she sat down:
- Good afternoon, phew that heat.
- A lot of good afternoon, here is a lot of cool air.
- Good life that you take… who had felt… as space those vacations?
- I already passed a bad mouthful… I think I deserve a good rest.
- I will steal him some shrimps and to do him some company. Speak to me a little of her last life… in the forests.
- Excuse, but I prefer not to speak of that.
- Reason? Does a lot of affected feel?
I preferred to answer with a question.
- The one what do you do?
- I am administrative employee in Management of the Services of Agriculture and Forests… we treated of the animals.
She said it with a square smile. Being excused went to look for a soft drink.
Aurélio was the couple's son. It accomplished the military service as noncommissioned officer in the garrison of Luanda. He didn't participate in any military operation. He was a soccer player, it played to left end in the it equips of the Wing. Yours equips was champion national of football. When young, it missed the studies to play football. Her father watched him and when he saw that he was not at the school, it went to the football field, it dragged him home and it beat him with a whip. Later, Aurélio admitted that his father did very well, and that if it didn't go that today would not be anybody. The father offered him a Ford Capri. Aurélio became a famous womanizer, to her mother's point, when football club Académica of Portugal intended him for player, it obstructed her the departure alleging that he would get lost with the women.
Aurélio and Marta arrived hugged. He whispered him something in the ear that made to give her some giggles. Aurélio put an end to the rest of the shrimps and it threw me a joke.
- This doesn't do badly to anybody!
He referred that I didn't walk behind women. Marta stood back; she said that will help at the kitchen.
The following days I started to have the Grandfather's daily company. We made a tuna snack with onion, until becoming in a habit. The whole family admitted me that he liked me a lot. He spoke, he spoke and one laugh a lot. So that it started to whistle some melodies, what was not habitual. When Marta arrived of the work found us always in the meal. I noticed that the glance and the smile had something of mysterious, inviting, and sensual. She interrogated me:
- Always here alone… doesn't he leave reason?!
- I like to be alone… I think they are the consequences of the war.
- And if he doesn't upset?
Image: “the spring arrived”
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