In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2009

Traditional Culture Bantu (I)

Bank Millennium Angola, a Gothic bank.

"The last commandment that becomes trained to the youth nhaneca-humbe says like this: "In the war you don't kill old nor elders. An elder is "epa lyohi” that he wants to say, hard and respectable as the crust of the earth, or in another sense, it should be appreciated, as the medicinal plant of the same name."

The members of the society "Jindungo", Cabinda, were, in his origin, the king's of Congo secret agents. They collected information, they denounced the abuses of the powerful ones and they made to abort any revolt project. They also collected the debts, coming masked in the debtor's house.

C. Estermann assures that the boss of Evale had magic powers to attract the rain. But it only got them if it sacrificed a youth mother whose son the other woman was given. Together with the victim, they also sacrificed a black cow, before the sacrifice, the woman's milk and the one of the cow was sprinkled several times by earth, as sign of the rain. The woman was murdered with a lance blow and, with her blood, they sprinkled the trees of the rain. His corpse was unburied and nobody could regret her death nor to keep mourning.

The boss is feared and respected in the society, because he receives the power of Nambe.

Boss or dembo of the area of Dembos (ethnic and cultural coalition of congolídeos [bacongos] with quimbundos [kimbundu]

For instance, in the area Angolan quimbunda, the main bosses call themselves sobas-banzas, and the inferior, sobetas.

The audience is public, open to the whole community, except for of the no initiate and of the women in menstrual impurity. In Angola, it serves as forum the open square under the mulemba, the heraldic and guardian tree of the leaderships bantus, that they plant every time that a new leadership is inaugurated or a population is grooved. The elect boss nails, before his house, several stakes of the mulemba ficus, dedicated to their illustrious ancestors and I eat permanent testimony of his nobility. If some of them don’t diffuse, the ancestors are not satisfied; they become urgent the propitiatory sacrifices of animals.

Be present in many groups, the "referee of the justice", "great master in right" subject that in the Angolan Northeast is called "nganji". It Intervenes, I don't eat counsellor, but as legal guard of the community juridical deposit. He is a jurisconsult, whose wisdom and prudence accumulate the traditional codes.

In other ordeals it is innocent who gets to extract a needle from the bottom of a pot of water to boil. Other times, they undergo the "proof of the needle": he doesn't do blood after pricking the language, the earlobe or the eyelids, his innocence is proven. It is also innocent who gets to step slowly, several times, the embers, without burning the feet.
More dangerous, terrifying and frequent the proof of the poison, used above all to explain the sorcery accusation. In many areas of Angola are called "mbambu". Only the fortune-teller knows the properties highly poisonous of certain plants."

In Pe. Raul Ruiz de Asúa Altuna. Editions Paulinas
Image: Angola em fotos

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