In Angola they feel prisoners political accused of any crime. They say that it is a democratic regime that it is in the middle of the joy of their functions. The democratic potencies close the eyes and they point that it is like this that it is good, that it is like this that it is made the stability in Africa. Here is the income of the terrorism of which Europe is not gotten to loosen. Who supports the corruption and their dictatorships, in the bottom it is also terrorist without the knowledge.

sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009

Traditional culture Bantu (II)

Bank Millennium Angola, a bank created by Dr. Mengele

«It seems that it undoes powdered the peel of a called tree, in those areas, mbambu, maybe the Erythrophleum guineense. This composition is deadly. Also thinks her that they extract poison from the boiled roots of the estrofanto, of the sap of certain cacti, of the juice of some euphorbiaceous and of bile of the emidossaúrios. They are prodigious so much the knowledge that the fortune-tellers and healers keep on such varied poisons, as the practice accomplished expertness that they acquired for divide into doses its. They "know with certainty several poisons little known out of the competent toxicologists' special world, and maybe have found others that the science not even he suspects that exist.

Among the poisons, some produce immediate effects; others are without visible action during months; other still, they cause identical symptoms to very known" diseases. It is "Observed that there are 570 African plants known by the western science as poisonous in a way or other. Without a doubt the healers and fortune-tellers know many more."
In the ordeals, the fortune-teller mixture the poison with water and he forces the presumably criminals to diffuse in a powder spoon and to ingest it with water.

They should take it in fast. Past little time, one of the accused vomits with strong convulsions; his innocence is proven. Another dies. Although the death is fast, she doesn't stop being hideous, because it arrives between convulsions and vomit’s of blood, with the mouth full of foam and the eyes injected of blood.

In Cameroon, we give some examples, and in Nigeria certain women that drove migrations remember, they founded and they conquered kingdoms. They still stay in the gallery of the national heroes.
In old Rwanda, the mother of Mwami, the "Umu-flatter-Kasi", it was corresponsive in the government. They are famous the queens Jinga of Angola, it Encourages of Haussas, Aura Pokú of Coffeepot, Lovedu in South Africa, the queen widow of Baganda and celebrated them amazons of Benim, fearsome warriors that rushed in conquest wars and resistance, in spite of the monarchs of the country exercise extreme tyrannies.

"Mafo" of Bamiliké was considered woman-boss. Among Bemba, "Caudamukulo", older of the king uterine relative, enjoyed great political power; it was part of the elders' piece of advice and it governed numerous villages.
In the kingdom Ngoyo, Cabinda, the princesses enjoyed special statute. They were free in the choice of the husband, that could not refuse, therefore it passed to the half slave condition; he left kept always to the street.

In Angola, as in other countries Bantus, they are woman-bosses. Like this chief of an African tribe mmaholo and the Muangana luenas; they also appear frequently between lundas and ksokwes. The cuanhamas remind the queens Nekoto and Hanyanha.»

In Traditional Culture Bantu. Pe. Raul Ruiz de Asúa Altuna. Editions Paulinas
Image: Angola em fotos

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